Page 56 of Indulge Me Tonight

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Tielle smirked. “Doing no such thing. I just have a crazy knack for making it sound that way.” She winked, and moments later joined Laura in a round of much-needed laughter.

* * *

Snowfall had been a steady and beautiful companion throughout the day. It had tapered off just after nightfall, leaving its vibrant white presence resting thickly upon the grounds, trees and brush. There had been no set plans for family gatherings since Faro’s eagerly supported suggestion that the group take a break from “togetherness” to enjoy all the relaxing aids Tielle’s establishment had to offer.

The suggestion did everyone more good than harm, thankfully. Tielle was even starting to put her hope in a peaceful end to the week and the beginning of repairing the damage between her and Grae. The scheduled break time for relaxation clearly didn’t appear to relate to dining.

The family continued to converge upon the elegant room designated for the scrumptious meals created by the Turner cook staff. Tielle’s perceptions regarding the strength of the family mood seemed solid, especially when she risked dropping in for breakfast. There, she received more than the usual amount of morning greetings. She’d even been invited to dine with a group of Grae’s aunts, women not known for their overwhelming warmth.

Tielle had accepted the offer to join the women at their table and told them she’d return after a quick check-in with that morning’s serving staff. The group had set up shop in the prep room just down a corridor secluded from the main dining area. She was halfway to the door when it opened and Grae stepped out.

“Going stir-crazy out in the cabana house, huh?” she asked.

Grae snared her waist and set her neatly between himself and the wall. “Going stir-crazy without you,” he said while nibbling her earlobe.

“Grae…” Her eyes were already rolling back in her head. “Honey, we can’t do this here.” She bit her lip on the moan stirred by his tongue adding dampness to her lobe.

“I—it’s not time for your family to know we—” A groan enveloped the rest of what she had to say when his thumb sought the nipple already beaded against her shirt. He was working the nub beneath lazy circles from his thumb.

“Grae—” Her next attempt to encourage restraint was silenced by his mouth crushing hers. Lithely, his tongue engaged hers in delicious play. Her moaning adopted a less tormented tone in favor of a more delighted one.

Desree’s voice interrupted them a moment later. Tielle gasped, breaking the kiss like a teenager caught doing something frowned upon. She was left no other choice than to remain between her ex and the wall.

“Hey, Des.” Grae suffered no bouts of disgrace when he greeted his aunt warmly. He kept a devilish stare fixed on Tielle then turned a more guileless, adorable one toward Desree.

“Why are you back so soon?” the woman asked Tielle.

“Calm down, Des,” Grae urged. “I know you asked Tel to get me out of here, but you knew I’d have to come back, especially if I thought Faro was up to something.” He looked to Tielle, and his gaze raked her body twice over. “No matter how nice the enticement was to stay.”

Tielle thought it best to focus on Desree and not Grae. Unfortunately, Des’s gaze did even less to put her at ease. “What’s going on?” Tielle asked, moving closer to the woman.

“I wished you two had listened.” Hands clasped, Des gave them a shake and observed the young couple with a disappointed glare. “You could use time away more than staying here to be irritated by whatever’s about to happen.”

Grae moved closer to his aunt. “What do you mean, Aunt Des?”

“Could I have everybody’s attention, please?”

Des began to wring her clasped hands and turned toward Faro’s voice blanketing the dining room.

Grae, Tielle and Desree moved into the room to find Faro near the front. Flanking him were two men, not Cleggs, and until then not present at the retreat.

Faro noticed his brother, and the glee claiming his face took on a new sheen. “There he is now! Come in, Grae. Get comfortable.”

Grae, Tielle and Des remained where they were.

“What’s going on, Faro?” Oscar Clegg asked.
