Page 39 of Private Melody

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Kianti’s observance of Therin switched to an even higher gear with they arrived at the penthouse apartment he kept at a Vancouver hotel.

Royalty indeed, she thought while taking in all the attention paid to the unassuming thirty-something black man with looks to die for and charm to spare. In spite of what she already knew about him, she kept expecting his demeanor to change. She looked for him to grow cocky or arrogant because of all the elaborate bowing and scraping he received. Nothing changed, though. He never changed. Kianti found herself more enchanted by him because of it.

Sadly though, at least as far as Kianti saw it, reality set in like dead weight. It was early evening when they arrived at the golden-lit, elegant living quarters he kept on the top floor along with a suite of offices.

Shortly however, the bellmen and hotel concierge left them alone. Kianti discovered Therin’s opinions about her healthcare were also unchanged.

“That’s right…mmm-hmm…baked Mahi, rolls and steamed veggies.” Therin looked over at Kianti, brows raised for her approval of the meal he called down for. When she gave him the thumbs-up, he winked. “Sounds good…all right, thanks.”

“Do you want your pill before or after you eat?” He set the cordless back to the charging dock and shot her a quick glance over his shoulder.

Kianti felt her heart sink but braced back her disappointment. “Neither,” she stubbornly replied.

“All right.” Therin shrugged, pulling off the black fleece hoody he wore over a simple white T-shirt. “Before, then,” he decided.

She rolled her eyes. “Therin, don’t do this. Please. Not when we’ve had such a great time.”

“You’re right.” He walked toward her, not stopping until he was bracing hands on the back of the sofa. “We have had a great time. I intend on us having a great night, too.”

Kianti wouldn’t let herself be swayed by his meaning. She held on to her stubbornness.

“Don’t think that my…episode the other night means I’m ready to start a new regimen with those things.”

Therin bowed his head, feeling his jaw muscles tighten in tandem with the rising of his temper. A smile cut through the frustration. She had the ability to rile him so easily and he continued to be amazed by it.

“Those things help keep you alive. You do realize that, don’t you?”

She brought a fist down to the back of the sofa. “You’re letting Brody set you on edge with that over-protective streak of his.”

Therin’s bright deep-set gaze registered disbelief. “How can such a gifted woman be so dense? So obtuse about her own life?”

Kianti leaned back on the sofa and began to chew on her thumbnail. “You can’t understand this.”

Therin muttered a curse and paced behind the sofa.

“You don’t know how it feels to grow up different because you can play Beethoven at six and then even more different because you’ve got the heart of someone three times your age. To hell with it.” The flared sleeves of her sweater whipped wildly when she waved him off. “Nothing’s worth being tied to those things a minute longer than I have to be.” She raised her chin defiantly.

“That may be dense and obtuse but it’s my choice and I have no intention to go back on it.” Something flickered in her dark, tilting stare. “Not even for the promise of enjoying a fully charged love scene with you.”

Therin stopped pacing then and rounded the sofa where she reclined. “You think that’s why I’m doing this?” He brought his hands down on either side of her when she tried to move. “You think I’m more concerned with not being pestered by the possibility of you dying on me?”

She lowered her head, instantly regretting her words.

“Second bedroom on the other side of the living room,” he grumbled and left the sofa. “You’ll find your things already there. Dinner should be up in twenty.” He left the room without a look back.

Kianti stayed behind. She left the sofa and made a slow trek across the living room to take in the view of the city from the floor-to-ceiling windows that lined the entire wall. She was contented by the late-evening view of lights just beginning to twinkle against the bluish-purple sky. She removed the pill bottle from the front pocket of her jeans.

Smiling then, she thought of her four—five protectors. She wondered if they’d believe that she had never kept the bottle too far. She thought back to what she’d just said to Therin.

Nothing could make her change her mind about taking them. That wasn’t true. That was so very far from the truth.

“Can’t tell you how happy I am to have you around to help me plan this thing.” Therin chuckled over something Ruby had just said. “I still wish you’d taken more time off, though. If anybody deserves it, it’s you.”
