Page 35 of It's Only You

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“She’s really taking to you,” Simona said. “I’ve never seen her do that with anyone.”

There was a lot he wanted to say, but the words stuck in his throat. Instead he just shrugged.

It took another two hours for the fever to break, after which Yasmine was able to keep down a small amount of liquid and was released to go home. Donovan carried the sleeping baby into the house while Simona removed the car seat.

“Let me go put her to bed.”

Donovan kissed Yasmine once more and handed her over to Simona, staring after her as she walked down a hallway. He dropped wearily onto the loveseat and braced his head in his hands. He’d thought he finally found a woman he could trust and who would trust him.


His head came up slowly. “I guess I know now why you never invited me into your house. So, when were you going to tell me?”

Simona wrung her hands. “I don’t know.”

“Simona, we’ve been going out for almost a month.”

“I know and I tried to tell—”

He jumped to his feet and cut her off. “When? We’ve talked on the phone several times. Not once did you mention that you have a child!”

She ran a hand across her forehead. “Donovan, you have to understand. I was just trying to protect her.”

“Protect her?” he yelled. Remembering Yasmine was asleep, he clenched his teeth and lowered his voice. “From what? Who?”

“Yes, protect her. I didn’t want to start bringing strange men around her.”

“So, that’s what I am, huh? A strange man.” He chuckled mirthlessly. “Thanks for letting me know where I stand.” He stalked to the door with her following closely on his heels.

“No. Donovan, wait. That’s not what I meant.”

He regarded her thoughtfully. “No? So, you’re gonna tell me you have a husband hidden away somewhere?” He shook his head. “I hoped we had something special, but now I don’t know what to believe. See you around.” Donovan closed the door behind him without waiting for a response.

Ten minutes into his drive, he realized he had been going at least twenty miles per hour above the speed limit and eased off the gas. The last thing he needed in his present mood was a speeding ticket. Coming to a stoplight, he briefly closed his eyes.

Why are you so upset, Wright? Opening them again, he slammed his hand against the steering wheel and cursed under his breath. He didn’t have to search very far for the answer. There was only one reason why he would be this angry. Somehow Simona had gotten to him. Despite all his big talk of keeping a woman at arm’s length, she had managed to wiggle her way under his skin.

* * *

Simona stood staring at the space that Donovan had vacated. How could a day that started with so much promise end in such disaster? A vision of his shocked and angry expression continued to play in her mind, and the hurt in his voice caused a knot to form in her belly. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples, feeling the beginnings of a headache.

Walking across the room, she slowly lowered herself onto the sofa and laid her head against the back. She berated herself over and over. Why hadn’t she told him? Donovan was right. They’d been seeing each other for a month, and she’d had plenty of opportunities. But he hadn’t even given her a chance to explain before he stormed out. And that pissed her off. Nothing I can do about it tonight.

Rising, she checked on Yasmine and gently touched her skin. Although she was still warm, Simona was relieved to find that the fever hadn’t risen. The doorbell rang as she exited the baby’s room. Thinking Donovan had returned, she quickened her steps. She opened the door to find Eve, not Donovan, standing there and tried to hide her disappointment. Simona stepped back to let her enter.

“How’s Yasmine?”

“The doctor thinks she has a virus. We got the fever down, and she was able to keep a couple ounces of the Pedialyte down.”

“And Donovan?”

Simona shook her head. “He’s really angry. He didn’t even give me a chance to say anything.” Tears welled in her eyes. “All I wanted was to protect my niece. I still have concerns about his job, and even more after today’s barbecue. You’ll never guess who his ‘friend’ is.”



“As in, the fine R & B singer with that sexy, deep voice?”

“The one and only.”

“So were there fans and groupies there?”
