Page 36 of It's Only You

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“No. Just his family and close friends. And they all called him Terrence. His wife is really nice.”

“So, help me out here—what exactly are you still concerned about? It seems as though Donovan has gone out of his way to show you that he’s just a regular guy who happens to have a job that requires him to make public appearances.”

“He’s more than the vice president of the company. He’s Monte’s agent, manager, or whatever you want to call it, as well as another one of the label’s artists.”

“And your point would be? Never mind. Don’t answer. Simona, stop using Yasmine as an excuse not to get close to Donovan. Honey, you can’t keep comparing him to your ex.”

“I know, and I’m trying. But every time I think about what happened, it scares me to death. You have no idea how it feels to have cameras shoved in your face all the time.”

“You’re right, I don’t. And I don’t want to,” Eve added. “But if you told Donovan, I think he’d understand.”

“It’s probably too late now,” Simona said with a weary sigh. Up to this point, she hadn’t realized how much she liked being with Donovan.

“Girl, please. He’ll be back. He was just shell-shocked.”

“I don’t think so. You didn’t see him. Anyway, it’s probably better this way.” She said the words, but she knew they were far from the truth. She didn’t feel better. Not wanting to continue down the road to misery, she asked, “Do you think we should cancel the party next Saturday?” For Yasmine’s birthday she had invited Eve’s five-year-old niece and two-year-old twin nephews over for a small celebration.

“She should be fine by then, and the kids are looking forward to coming.” Eve checked her watch. “I need to do some studying. Hang in there, and call me if you need something. The party’s at eleven, right?”

Simona nodded. “Yes, I figure they can play, have lunch and cake, then be ready for naps.” She hugged her friend. “Thanks for everything, Eve.”

Contrary to what Eve believed, Donovan didn’t come back. Along with her grueling work days the following week, Simona’s nights were filled with thoughts of Donovan—his touch, his kiss, his random text messages asking about her day, and his low, sexy voice that always heated her insides.

She had called and left messages for him twice earlier in the week, and he never responded. On Thursday after work, she picked up the phone and tried again. She was so shocked that he answered the phone that she was momentarily stunned. Recovering her voice, she said, “Donovan, it’s Simona.”

“What can I do for you?”

His curt reply stung, but she plowed on. “I wanted to explain about Yasmine.”

Donovan chuckled bitterly. “Oh, so now you want to talk. I think it’s a little late for that.”

Simona sighed deeply. “I know I should have told you.”

“Yeah, you should have told me. I need to get back to work. Is there anything else?”

“No,” she said softly.

“Goodbye, Simona.”

She hung up and dropped the cordless back in the base. “I guess that’s that,” she said miserably.

By Saturday, she was too tired to celebrate anything. But she forced herself to get moving. Yasmine was back to her usually happy self, and her appetite had returned. At least there’s one thing going well right now, Simona mused. What about the other parts of her life? Though she had known him only a short time, she missed Donovan more than she imagined. She tried to convince herself that it would be better this way, that he’d only disrupt her quiet life.

There was only one problem with her theory: since meeting him, Simona had been happier than she could remember in a long time. And she wasn’t sure if the solitary life she had envisioned when she relocated a year ago was the one she wanted now.

Chapter 11

“You’ve been sulking all week,” Terrence said without preamble, pushing his way into the house when Donovan opened the door.

Donovan expelled a harsh breath, closed the door and went into the family room, where Terrence was already sprawled out on the sofa.

“What’s going on? I’ve been trying to catch up with you for days.”

“I’ve been busy. Remember, I’m the only one in the office.”

Terrence cut him a look. “Look, D, instead of spending Friday night with my two favorite girls, my wife sent me over here to find out what happened with Simona. She likes her a lot and is concerned. As a matter of fact, so is Audrey. Oh, and did I mention Karen called yesterday to ask about her? So is she all right?”
