Page 41 of It's Only You

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“Nope. I’ll just plug the address into the GPS.”

“You hungry?”

“Starved.” He hadn’t eaten anything since noon, and it was almost eleven.

“I’ll fix you something.”

“Thanks. See you in a bit.”

Donovan spent a few minutes talking to the band, then said his goodbyes.

His sister leaped into his arms when she opened the door. “Hey, sis,” he said, picking her up and swinging her around.

“I’m so glad to see you, Donovan.” She palmed his face and examined him critically, much as their mom did each time she saw him. “You look tired. Come in.” She hooked her arm in his and led him to the kitchen.

“Where’s Bryce?”

“Right here,” came a voice from behind them. “What’s going on, Donovan? It’s been a long time.”

“Hey, Bryce.”

“Donovan decided last minute to come to Chicago. Isn’t that wonderful, honey?” Giselle asked Bryce with a twinkle in her eye. She went over to the stove. “Mom told me Terrence had a little girl. I know she’s adorable. Who does she look like?”

Donovan pulled out his cell and brought up the picture of him and Nadia. “See for yourself. Her name is Nadia Elise Campbell.”

Giselle took the phone, and Bryce moved closer and peered over her shoulder. “She is an absolute cutie,” Giselle gushed. “You look like a natural holding her, Donovan. I can’t wait to be an aunt. You’re going to be such a great father.”

Donovan and Bryce shared a look. Bryce grinned and mouthed, “Sorry, bro. You’re on your own.”

Donovan shook his head, knowing that sweet comment was just a lead-in for the inquisition that was sure to follow. His sister was a die-hard romantic and thought everyone should be happily married.

“How long are you staying, Donovan?” Bryce asked.

“I’ll be here until tomorrow, then I’m going to spend a day with Mom and Dad before going back home.”

“Well, I’ll let you two catch up.”

Donovan looked at him pleadingly.

Bryce grinned. “I have some things to do. See you in the morning.” He kissed Giselle passionately.

“Yo, man, that’s my sister.”

“True, but she’s my wife.” Bryce winked at her and strolled out of the kitchen.

Giselle’s eyes followed him until he was out of sight, a smile of contentment on her lips. Donovan remembered the same expression on Simona’s face when he kissed her. Her lips had been soft and warm, and molded perfectly against his. He could kiss her for hours and never get tired of it. Thinking of Simona and her kisses sent a rush of desire straight to his groin, and he quickly claimed the nearest chair and scooted close to the table. The last thing he needed was his sister seeing his growing state.

Giselle sat a plate in front of him with a grilled chicken breast, baked potato and steamed broccoli. She poured him a glass of iced tea and herself a glass of water, then sat across from him. “So, how are things with your new lady friend?” she asked sweetly as she lifted her glass.

He groaned inwardly. “I can’t even eat before you start the cross-examination, huh?”

“You’re a man of many talents and multitask well. So?”

“Let’s just say I’m still deciding on some things.”

“Must be something serious for you to fly halfway across the country.”

He glanced up from his plate. “Job, remember?”

“Whatever you say,” she murmured with a smile.

“Anyway, how’ve you been feeling?”

“Not too bad. I had morning sickness for a few days and I get tired faster, but other than that, good.”

Donovan wondered if Simona had suffered with morning sickness and whether she had gone through it alone.

“I’m going to change the sheets on the bed in the guest bedroom.”

“I can do it.”

She stood. “You finish your food.” She placed her arm around his neck and kissed his temple. “I’m really glad to see you, Donovan.”

“Same here, Gigi,” he said, kissing her hand. Left alone, he scrubbed a hand down his face. What was he going to do about Simona?

Twenty-four hours later he still hadn’t come up with a game plan. No, he wasn’t sure he could trust her, but the only thing he had resolved in his mind was that he couldn’t go another full week without holding her in his arms. Donovan spent Sunday morning and afternoon with his sister and brother-in-law, went to the concert, and then made the two-hour drive to Rockford.
