Page 40 of It's Only You

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Chapter 12

Donovan rushed around his room packing. He tossed underwear and socks into his bag, added shorts, a T-shirt, tennis shoes and his toiletries. Taking a quick peek at his watch, he zipped the duffel and his garment bag. His plane would be leaving in ninety minutes. Barring any traffic, he should get to the airport in twenty minutes. He hadn’t expected the range of emotions that had consumed him when he saw Simona and Yasmine, and he needed some distance. He loped down the stairs, locked up and hopped in the car.

By the time he made it to Chicago, Kaleidoscope’s concert would be just starting. He would miss the first half of the show, but catch the entire second one on Sunday. He got to the airport, parked and made it through security just as boarding began. When he was settled in his seat, he pulled out his cell.

“Hey, T,” he said when Terrence answered.

“Hey. How’s Simona and her daughter?”

“They’re fine, but I’m not calling about that. I wanted to let you know I’m flying to Chicago for Kaleidoscope’s concerts, and I’ll be back Monday night.”

There was a pause before Terrence said, “I thought you were having Nigel and Joy travel for the Detroit, Chicago and Philadelphia shows.”

“They are. I just thought I’d go to make sure things are going as scheduled.”

“Have they had problems, and when did you decide to do this?”

“No, and today.”


“Like I said, I’m just checking on things. See you when I get back.” Donovan disconnected without giving Terrence a chance to reply. They had been friends since high school and were as close as brothers, so had that conversation gone one minute longer, Terrence would have figured out the real reason for this impromptu flight. He wasn’t ready to explain to Terrence, or himself, for that matter, why he felt the need to run halfway across the country instead of facing his dilemma head-on.

When the plane landed, Donovan grabbed his bags, picked up his rental and programmed the House of Blues address into the GPS. He was tired and his mind was still in turmoil, but he was glad to have some space between him and Simona so he could think. Being close to her challenged his resolve to remain distant, in ways he never anticipated.

He was lucky enough to find parking in one of the nearby garages, and the concert was in full swing when he entered. Donovan had taken the time to call Joy to let her know he would be there to avoid him having problems getting into the club.

“Hey, Donovan,” Joy said, greeting him with a hug. “We didn’t expect you, but I’m always glad to see you, boss,” she added with a smile.

He chuckled. “I thought I’d come and make sure you guys weren’t having any problems.” Truthfully, he had missed this aspect of his job.

“The shows went great in Detroit, and we sold out both shows tonight and tomorrow night.”

“Sounds good. We can talk more later.” Joy went back to her duties, and Donovan leaned against the wall to listen to the show. Usually listening to music relaxed him, but tonight it didn’t work. He suspected nothing would work except being honest with himself. Not tonight, he decided. Maybe tomorrow.

After the show, he turned on his cell and found that Terrence had sent him a text: Simona got to u, and ur running... ROFL! Donovan muttered a curse and deleted the message, not bothering to respond. Instead, he dialed his sister’s number.

“Hey, Giselle.”

“Donovan! This is a surprise. I never talk to you twice in a week.”

“Yeah, and whose fault is that? Since you married Bryce, you kicked me to the curb,” he said with mock sadness.

She laughed. “Wow, that’s a low blow. So, to what do I owe this honor?”

“You up for a visit from your big brother?”

“I’d love for you to visit. It’s been almost six months. When are you coming?”

“About twenty minutes,” he said with a chuckle.

“Wait! You’re here? Now?”


“You didn’t tell me you were coming when we talked a week ago.”

“I didn’t know then.”

“Oo-kay. Hmm, interesting.”

“Kaleidoscope is at the House of Blues tonight and tomorrow, and since I am their manager, it shouldn’t be a surprise that I’d be here.”

“Uh-huh. You’re staying the night, aren’t you? You’d better not be staying in a hotel. You need directions?”
