Page 64 of It's Only You

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The older woman shook her head. “Of course not. But you look like you could use some time off to deal with this.” She squeezed Simona’s hand reassuringly.

“Thank you. I think I’ll take you up on your offer.” Truthfully, she wouldn’t be able to do her job anyway with all the emotions swirling around in the pit of her stomach. What was she going to do? She had just started to get comfortable in her new home, and now she faced the possibility of having to move again.

Chapter 18

Donovan divided his gaze between the three people around the table. What was supposed to be a working lunch had turned into a Q & A session about his love life.

“Oh, come on, Donovan. Don’t keep me in suspense. I like Simona,” Audrey said.

Terrence folded his arms and laughed. “I have to say I’m enjoying watching you squirm the way you did me.”

“And as I said before, I’m not running like you were,” Donovan said. He turned to face Brad. “Do you have something to say?”

Brad held up his hands in mock surrender. “No way. The last time I said something, it ended with my wife calling me dense and giving me the silent treatment for six hours.”

They all laughed, recalling the incident right after Terrence and Janae met. Brad had assumed that Janae was another booty call before he knew the truth. Donovan turned back to Audrey. “Yes, Audrey, I’m in love with Simona.”

“Ooh, goodie! I heard she has a little girl.”

He reached into his pocket for his cell and brought up the photo of himself and Yasmine that he couldn’t resist taking on her birthday. “Her name is Yasmine, and she just turned one.” Donovan passed the phone to Audrey. “She’s actually Simona’s niece. Simona’s sister and her sister’s fiancé were killed in a car accident.”

“That’s so sad.” Audrey adjusted the phone so Brad could see. “She’s adorable, Donovan. Look at those little ponytails and that big smile. She has a head full of hair. And you look like a natural holding her. Brad and I have been talking. And since I can’t have children, we’re thinking of adopting.”

“That’s great,” Donovan said.

“I get first dibs on godfather,” Terrence said, reaching for the phone. They all laughed. “She’s a beautiful little girl. She and Nadia need to meet.” He held the phone out to Donovan. “I bet you were a goner the first time you held her and she turned those bright eyes on you. That’s what happened to me with Nadia.”

Donovan stared at the picture, remembering the night Yasmine was sick. “Yeah, man. She stole my heart. Anyway, isn’t this supposed to be a working lunch?” His cell rang as he was putting it back in his pocket. He didn’t recognize the number on the display. “Let me get this.”

“Hello. May I please speak to Donovan Wright?” It was a female voice he didn’t recognize.

He frowned. “Speaking.”

“Donovan, this is Frances Walker, Simona’s grandmother.”

“Nana? Is everything okay?” he asked with concern. He had given her his number with instructions to call if she ever needed anything.

“I don’t think so.”

“Are you sick? Do I need to find Simona?”

“It’s not me.” She paused. “It’s Simona. My neighbor brought me one of those trash magazines, and there’s a picture of you, Simona and Yasmine at Lake Merritt on the cover.”

Donovan’s heart pounded in fear, and he didn’t realize he was standing until he took a step. “What are you talking about?”

“Honey, I need you to get to my baby.” Her voice broke. “I don’t think she can take this a second time.”

“Does she know about it?”

Terrence rose from his chair and mouthed, “What’s going on?”

Donovan held up a finger.

Nana continued. “Yes. I called to warn her, and she told me that someone at her job had given the paper to her manager. The woman is going to let her take some time off. Donovan, I’m afraid of what she might be thinking. She loves her job and...”

“Nana, don’t you worry. I’m leaving right now. I promised you I wouldn’t let anything happen to her, and I won’t. As soon as I find out how she is, I’ll call you.”

“Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me. Now, I need you to stay calm and try not to worry. I’ll take care of her and Yasmine.” He completed the call and paced. He was going to kill somebody. Who would do something like this? No one even knew she’d been home...except Amber.
