Page 65 of It's Only You

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“What’s going on, D?” Terrence asked anxiously.

“That was Simona’s grandmother. Remember what I told you about Simona’s ex?”

“The wannabe actor?”

“Yeah. Apparently, while we were in Oakland this past weekend, someone took a picture of us and it’s on the front cover of a tabloid. I need to get my hands on that article, then I’m going to get Simona and take her and Yasmine to my house. After that, I might be needing bail money.”

Audrey stood. “I’m on that article. I know someone in publicity who can get their hands on it in a matter of minutes from the paper’s website.”

Brad clapped him on the shoulder. “Let me know when you’re ready to make a statement. I’m going to get to the bottom of this and find out what your legal rights are.” He sailed out behind Audrey.

“What do you need me to do, Donovan?” Terrence asked.

“Can I borrow the SUV so I can take Yasmine’s crib to my house?”

“I’ll do you one better. I’m coming with you.” Terrence hit the intercom. “Mrs. Lewis, we have an emergency. Donovan and I will be out of the office for the rest of the afternoon. Please reschedule any appointments.”

“No problem.”

“I’ll be in your office in two minutes. Let me call Janae and tell her what’s going on.”

Donovan nodded and rushed to his office. Audrey came in right behind him with the magazine.

“Donovan, it’s not good.”

He scanned the headline and the picture. Inside, he quickly read the article. Secret love child? His jaw tightened.

“If you need anything, call me,” Audrey said, rubbing his arm in a comforting manner. “I plan to make sure Brad sues everybody from the person who started those lies and everybody who made a comment to the magazine, to the stores that carry this trash.”

“Thanks.” He grabbed his jacket, met Terrence in the hallway and the two men raced out of the office.

Eve met him at the door holding Yasmine.

“Hey, Eve. Where’s Simona?”

“Hi. She got here about thirty minutes ago and went straight to her room. She’s been crying, and even Yasmine senses something’s wrong.”

Donovan reached for Yasmine. “Come here, angel. You worried about your mama?” He kissed her temple. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of her. Eve, this is Terrence Campbell. Terrence, Eve, Simona’s neighbor.”

“Oh, this man needs no introduction,” Eve said with a smile. “I love your music. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Thanks, and same here,” Terrence said.

“Eve, can you pack up some of Yasmine’s things? I’m going to take them home with me. Terrence will help you.”

“Of course. Let me take her.”

He left them to their task and knocked on Simona’s door. “Simona, it’s me. Can I come in?” When she didn’t answer, he tried the knob and found the door unlocked. He peeked in and spotted her curled up on the bed. His heart broke. Closing the door behind him, he kicked off his shoes and eased onto the bed, pulling her into his arms. For a few minutes, he just held her. “Hey, sweetheart. It’s been a pretty rough day, huh?”

“I have to leave. I can’t do this again, Donovan. I’ve tried so hard to do the right thing,” Simona cried.

“No, you don’t and you won’t. You and Yasmine are going to hang out at my house for a few days until this blows over. Eve’s packing up Yasmine’s things, and Terrence is here with his truck to carry her crib.”

She lifted her tearstained eyes to his. “I can’t do that. What about your job?”

“I don’t care about my job right now. It’ll wait. You’re far more important to me. So I want you to pack your stuff.”


“No buts, baby. I love you, and I promise I’ll take care of this.”

Her eyes widened. “What did you say?”

Caressing her face, he repeated himself. “I said I love you, and I will take care of this mess.”

She angled her head as if trying to process his words, then finally agreed.

Donovan sat up. “I’ll wait for you out front. I’m going to see if Terrence needs help.” He kissed her tenderly. “It’s going to be all right, Simona.”

“Okay,” she said in a small voice.

He took a moment to call Nana on his way to help his friend load the truck. It hurt him to see Simona like this, and it was all he could do not to hop on a plane and track Amber down. Whoever had done this would pay, and pay dearly.
