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“You’re wearing jeans,” the guard said.

“So we outsmarted him!” I said.

“Check his cellphone,” Clara said. “See if there are pictures of us.”

“No way,” the man said. “I have my rights.”

I reached around him to his back pocket and searched for his phone.

“She’s grabbing my ass!” he said.

“Pervert!” Clara shouted, getting into the mix, shoving her hand into his other back pocket. “Pervert alert!”

There was a lot of yelling and wrestling around, then the guy broke free and took off at a run with the security guard in pursuit.

“Thank goodness he got away,” I said.

“Yeah,” Clara said, bending down, picking a phone up from the floor. “But he dropped his phone in the scuffle.”

I looked over her shoulder and saw Diesel and the other diver swim up and out of sight.

“What a nightmare,” I said to Clara.

The guard came back. He was red-faced, sweating, and out of breath. “Couldn’t catch him,” he said. “Sorry, but I see at least you got his phone. Have you checked for pictures?”

“Not yet,” I said. “I’m sure he’s deleted them.”

The guard took the phone and tapped the camera icon.

“Nope, they aren’t deleted,” he said. “And he was for sure following you ladies…if you’ll pardon the expression.”

He handed the phone to me, and I scanned through the photos. Pictures of me. Pictures of Clara. Pictures of Diesel. Pictures of Clara’s grandfather. Pictures of the treasure chest in the shark tank.


Clara and I met up with Diesel at the car.

“Did you get anything out of the treasure chest?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Diesel said. “Two more pieces of the coin.”

“You don’t seem very excited about it.”

“I’ll be excited when I have all eight and figure out what to do with them.”

“Do the two new pieces look like they fit with the piece we already have?” I asked Diesel.

“At first glance, yes.” Diesel pulled the pieces out of his pocket and handed one to me. “Does this do anything for you?”

“Yep. It’s vibrating.”

“Hold it up to the sun.”

I held it up, and Clara and I squinted at it. A small hole had been punched into the silver.

“Cool,” I said. “Very Indiana Jones.”

“I now have three pieces of the coin, and they each have a hole punched in them,” Diesel said.
