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“So good, baby,” she panted against his lips. “I’m going to come again. I’m going to come so hard.”

That was exactly what Samuel wanted to hear. He was too far gone to last much longer and her wanton words made him even crazier. “Then let’s come together. Don’t you hold back on me, Dina.”

As they rocked back and forth, her swollen breasts heaved deliciously, the elongated dark brown buds impossible to resist. Samuel caught one up in his mouth and sucked with gentle passion, feeling her walls start to ripple and convulse around him.

It was the signal he needed, and he powered in several well-aimed thrusts as Dina rode him with fevered pleasure.

Together, they tripped over the edge, his manhood surging and shooting deep inside her heated depths. Dina’s hips went rigid as she screamed in ecstasy, and Samuel had to bite down a gruff curse as he felt the almost cosmic implosion of their mutual release.

It was amazing how hardwired they were to each other both internally and externally. From that night they never tried to hold back their passionate desire for each other. It seemed perfectly normal for them to start to share a bed and proceed to act like a real couple.

Dina could tell their new arrangement had a positive effect on not just her but the baby in her womb. Samuel was ever attentive and considerate, not to forget excitingly insatiable when it came to her body. In this vein, over the following weeks she felt more and more of her stress drain away, allowing a sense of wellbeing to take hold as she grew accustomed to having someone to care about and trust.

And so, when Samuel dropped an unexpected surprise one night, Dina found herself easily adapting to the whole idea he’d calmly set out: “Let’s get married,” he said. “The baby is only two months away, and I really want us to be a family unit before the day arrives. I know how much you cherish your privacy and quiet, so we can have a simple civil ceremony.”

Dina was already working it all out in her head and it was looking better and better. She felt comforted by the thought that Samuel truly had good intentions for her and the baby. She daren’t let herself ask for more, though her heart secretly ached for it. “Have you really thought about this?” she asked softly.

“It doesn’t require much deliberation, does it? I want my son and heir to have my name, and it’s not like I need anyone’s permission. I just need to know that you believe this would be the best step, especially for the baby.”

“Of course, I can see that. I’m all for being practical,” she said, drawing in a bracing breath. Normally, the thought of marriage would have scared her. She was barely twenty-five and didn’t know what the future held. But now that she was going to be a mother, she knew she had to always be ready to face important challenges and decisions. “What do we need to do?”

“I can start on procuring the marriage license right away. In a short time, we’ll be legally married and take things from there,” Samuel said.

More than anything, Samuel’s matter-of-fact approach had Dina never questioning things for a minute. This wasn’t exactly the most romantic of marriage proposals, but then Dina was never the type to wish on fairytales. Everything was going better than she would have wished, what with Samuel proving he had long-term interest in the welfare of not just the baby, but Dina as well.

Dina couldn’t think of anyone she’d rather take this step with. Marriage wasn’t a joke or a game, and though it wouldn’t be like the dreamy togetherness that her parents and grandparents had, Dina believed that there was more to making a marriage work than just that.

Samuel and Dina respected and valued each other, and had their child’s best interests at heart. Anything else could grow logically with time, especially if they both stayed true to the commitment they made.

Samuel had already proven he was a changed person so Dina felt secure in the fact she’d never have to worry about being two-timed or left to face the problems of raising a baby alone.

But if she really thought things could stay just perfect, Dina was about to be proven very wrong.

It happened on the day Samuel planned the meeting with his parents. He invited them over to tell them about the car project as well as the baby. Dina knew his parents had been happy to know Samuel was interested in being a part of the family business at last. What she didn’t know was that they’d never been informed about Dina or that she was pregnant.

Their shock at the development was clear to see when they arrived, and Samuel made introductions. Mrs. Franklin looked ready to faint and Samuel’s father couldn’t hold back his angry outbursts, letting it be known he was as upset as his wife.
