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“I understand. It’s something we’ll have to get through,” Samuel said as calmly as possible. “I can feel this whole wall of antagonism you’ve put up right now, but I’m on your side, Dina. Remember that.”

Dina bit on her lip, sensing he had his own anger over what had happened, but right now she couldn’t bring herself to reassure him. She’d been through a great shock, and it took all of Samuel’s persuasion to keep her from storming out with her bags in the middle of the night.

Things didn’t really smooth over as quickly as Samuel would have hoped. They still hadn’t got to really talk by the time they made the doctor’s appointment two days later. Then came the shocker from the doctor that would overtake any of the issues they had going on between them…

Samuel and Dina were staring at each other and back at the doctor when he informed her that she was measuring too big and after he’d done some more tests, had found out she’d be having twins.

“What? How can that happen?” Dina let out an incredulous laugh. “I’m at thirty-two weeks, and now we find out it’s twins?”

The doctor smiled at them both. “I can give you many instances where it’s even during birth some people realize there was actually two not one. And you finding out at this late stage, means you could literally have them any minute. No, I’m kidding,” the doctor added, holding up her hands with an encouraging grin.

“This is really a whole lot to wrap our heads around,” Samuel said. Though he felt a little dazed, he was also very happy and excited and he could see Dina was too.

“Twins are a great adventure,” the doctor said to them. “You will make it, you will be happy and it will be the best thing that ever happened to you. Take it one day at a time, and you’ll both get through it.”

Dina didn’t sleep at all that night, with how awed she was over the news. Sure, she did start to panic earlier but the doctor had been so good at keeping them focused and optimistic.

Dina found she could no longer sit still and left the bedroom only to find herself venturing out on the deck. The sight of a lone figure already standing there made her steps falter.

Samuel turned and saw her before she could backtrack. Squaring her shoulders, she drew on a smile and advanced, glancing playfully at him while resting her hands on the railing.

“Can’t sleep either, can you?” she said more than asked. “What are you thinking about?”

He let out a dry chuckle. “You really want to know, or are you just making conversation?”

“I really want to know,” she said seriously, turning to face him. “Sure, we could get prepared with all the extra supplies and everything else we might need to cope with this – but suddenly realizing we’re having twins is more than just worrying about loading up on more diapers. If you’re wondering, I’m freaking scared right now and I can only imagine how you must feel being tied down with yet another baby.”

“The last thing I’m bothered about is being tied down,” Samuel said, with a hurt frown that made Dina feel like a total ass. “That’s not what being a father and husband is about. Even I know that much. It’s not anything I planned, but I want to be ready. I want to know I can protect everyone who needs protecting, from anything that wants to stand in the way of us all being together.”

“You still believe we can do it? That we can stay together and make this work?” Dina asked softly, before letting out a nervous laugh. “Because I meant it about being scared – on top of being freaked out. I’m twenty-four, experiencing my first pregnancy and only just finding out it’s going to be a multiple birth. And with that, having to face the fact that I’m not being accepted by your family. When you add that all up, it’s enough to make me feel upset.”

Shaking her head in resignation, she added, “But then I realize that things happen for a reason, and no one is given anything that they can’t handle. I know if I keep telling myself that, I can make it through the next day, and the next.”

“Hearing you sound so enthusiastic and positive makes me wonder why is it so hard for you to be that way about us? I’m talking about me and you, Dina.”

His husky words had her stopping short, and she suddenly felt the need to look anywhere else but at him. “I don’t know what you want me to say. So far, I was okay just going with everything you asked. You wanted us to move in together, and we did. You wanted us to get married and I went with that too. Both times, I knew it was something that made sense in the long run. Now a part of me is afraid all of that is never going to be enough to hold this all together.”

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