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“Why, because my parents were judgmental and said mean things to you? I told you, none of that matters.” With a harsh sigh, he took her hand and gently pulled her closer. His other hand came to rest on her pregnant mound. “It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with how everything has turned out. Eight months ago, my life didn’t have much direction past keeping up my lifestyle of fun. Now I don’t even miss those times. I’m more concerned about being there for my new family, and being able to provide for them like I should. And just as importantly, finding a way to win the heart of the woman who makes it all complete.”

Dina stared up into his intense gaze, wanting to tell him that he wouldn’t have to try too hard with that last part. But something held her back. Instead, she gave a small smile. “Are you sure you aren’t going to regret it? Your father did say he’s cutting you off. You just might look back and start to wonder if this is really worth it.”

“You want to bet on that?” Samuel’s voice had taken on that rumbling, deep rasp that always had her knees quivering. He tugged her even closer, keeping their eyes locked as the air around them swirled with their unique kind of sensual energy.

Dina couldn’t help but laugh as her mind went back to the first night they met, when they’d bet over him dancing better than her other partners. “I guess since we started with a bet, we can afford to take another gamble – or two,” she murmured.

“Whatever the stakes, I’m good for it. Just don’t tell me to let go, because I can’t. It’s the last thing I ever want to do.”

“Then don’t,” she said softly. She rested her head against his shoulder and let his arms come around her. It took a whole lot of faith for her to just close her eyes and relinquish all the doubt and insecurity of the past eight or so months. Growing impish, she then drew back and smiled up at him, eyes twinkling. “So…how about me getting a rubdown? You know, to seal the deal? It’ll do wonders in getting me to sleep.”

“Babe, if you’re sure a good night’s sleep is all you think a rubdown can lead to, then I’m game for the challenge.” His eyes had their own wicked twinkle as he led them back inside…


And for a while after that, everything was good – no, possibly fabulous. Dina saw life in a whole new perspective now that she’d opened her heart completely to Samuel. Each day, their closeness and understanding grew in leaps and bounds and they waited with excitement for their boys to arrive.

But a week later, they had their first real scare.

Dina and Samuel had been home with a few close friends – Matt, Iliana and two others, when she suddenly doubled over in pain. It went away after a few minutes, once Dina had been helped unto a couch to lie back. But then the pain came shooting through her body again, and they decided she had to get to the hospital.

Over the next few days it was a series of tests, getting treatment and staying under observation, which meant Dina had to be checked in at the hospital. Samuel was never far from her side, as they kept praying her condition would improve in time for the birth.

They’d always known there might be risks, but it was harrowing not knowing what could happen. Dina wanted to keep the birth as normal as possible, unless it became necessary to do things differently. Having Samuel right there to hold her hand and keep her focused and positive was the best feeling ever.

Samuel was watching Dina sleep peacefully in her hospital bed for the first time in days, and he sighed deeply in relief, gently combing her hair away from her face with his fingers. Suddenly, his phone vibrated dully in his pocket, and when he checked he was surprised to see it was his father.

They hadn’t spoken in weeks, not since the day his parents had to leave his home after insulting Dina. A slight frown creased his brow as Samuel quietly left the room to take the call safely in the corridor.

Samuel hadn’t been sure what he expected his father to say, but when the older man’s first question was to ask about Dina’s condition, it took Samuel by surprise. At first, he didn’t know what to say.

“I heard about her being in hospital,” his father went on. “We tried to reach you, but then were told you’ve been spending your days there, by her side. Is she going to be okay?”

Samuel’s short laugh was devoid of humor. “We don’t really know. We’re hoping for the best. I mean there’s the risk of premature birth, or even a miscarriage, but Dina and I don’t even want to think about that. We don’t want to lose even one of our two boys.”

“You’re having twins?” his father said, his tone unreadable.
