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When it’s all over, my head falls back, and all my muscles go weak. It’s at tis point that I remember where I am. That I’m alone in this bathtub. That this is meant to be the final video of my series. With this in mind, I look right into the main camera, give a weak smile, and say, “See you next time.”

Then Greg is shouting, “That’s a wrap!”

I can’t even muster the energy to cover myself while the film crew pack their equipment and make for the doors.

“Looks like you finally got your groove back,” Greg says. He’s standing over me, arms crossed, a pleased look on his face. “Reminds me of the night I first saw you and Brice together. That passion. It’s what drew me in.”

I’m nodding, relieved that it’s finished and I can sleep in tomorrow. But also feeling a profound sense of shame. For those few minutes, it was as though Brice didn’t exist. And though I never cheated on him—even emotionally—I know I would hate the idea of him needing to fantasize about another girl to get off.

After wrapping the blanket around me again, I pull myself up and make for the changing room, not uttering a word to Greg. Maybe it’s my exhaustion, maybe it’s me overthinking things, but there’s a small part of me—deep, deep down—that’s also wondering if I can catch another glimpse of Jack if I hurry.

Chapter 14

When I enter the changing room, Jack’s standing in front of the full-length mirror, all muscles and sweat-sheened skin. His cock hangs halfway down to his knees. I’ve heard of them being that big, but his is the first one I’ve seen in real life. “I saw you before,” he says.

I lick my lips guiltily. “You saw me?”

“Yeah, at the hospital the other day.”

The air falls out of my lungs with relief. I thought he was talking about something completely different.

“I was just there for a check up. I was going to say hi, but you seemed to be in a pretty big hurry. I’ve never seen someone walk so fast. It’s like you were in some powerwalking mom’s group or something.” He points to the shower room. “I gotta wash off this sweat. What about you?”

I nod without speaking. Every other time I’ve used the communal shower, it’s been alone. Just good timing is all. There are four stalls, each with a curtain, so it’s not like we’d be taking a shower together. And it’s all professional. There’s no chance of anything happening even if I wanted it to. Which I most definitely don’t. I’m 100% devoted to Brice, even during this current spat we’re in.

I take the shower opposite his, our curtains facing each other, but I close mine all the way. Only a one-inch slit remains on the left side, through which I can see his perfect ass if I peek back.

“I heard you’ve been hella busy lately,” he says loudly, so I can hear over the rush of water.

It feels weird to be talking while in the shower, but I answer back, “Greg and I are working on this new project.”

“Oh, I know all about that,” Jack says. “Greg had to get my approval before you could even start. You might not know this, but I’m not just an actor here. I’m one of the co-owners.”

My stunned silence is enough response for him to laugh. Then I say, “What? Why didn’t I ever know that?”

I can just see him shrug to himself, the water pouring over his tanned back. “He runs the business side while I keep the videos pumping out. We’ve always been this weird sort of dynamic duo since we were roommates in university.”

I nearly throw the curtain back so I can get a clear look at his face. Just to see how serious he is when he claims this. “You two were roommates?”

“Oh, yeah,” Jack says. “He was the weirdo trying to make these homemade horror movies every weekend. I was the one who had other things to do on a Saturday night. He hated that I was always bringing girls back to the room, so we fi

nally came to a deal: I’d star in one of his movies and he wouldn’t report me to the RA. The movie was called something corny, like The Smothering of Sam, or something like that. Anyway, it got all sorts of hits on Youtube back in the day, but all the comments were about this scene where me and this girl named Samantha were in bed together. No sex. Only suggested nudity. That’s it. But it was what everyone in the comments was talking about. Greg, ever the businessman, saw an opportunity to make more suggestive videos, and here we are today.”

I wonder why Greg has never mentioned anything about his relationship with Jack before this. There’s the chance that it simply never came up, but I’m also of the idea that there’s something deeper there. I can’t imagine that Greg has always been happy being behind the camera. I would bet that his feeling like the sidekick is what led him to scouring cam sites and stumbling upon me that fateful night.

“So he had his start in horror movies, huh?”

I’ve been paying more attention to his story than to washing myself off. The truth is that I should be hurrying. I made a promise to myself that I would stop by the hospital after all this filming was done to try and patch things up with Brice. But the fact that I’ve finally finished filming this series of seemingly never-ending videos has left me feeling more relaxed than I ought to be. That’s probably what has me taking my time now, imagining that if I wait long enough, he’ll get out first and I can catch another glimpse of his full frontal.

“All that to say,” Jack says, “that I know about your project. In fact, I’m glad I’ve got your attention, because I think you’re really onto something. And if this goes as well as I expect, I want this to be the first of many.”

“More Choose Your Own Sex-venture series?”

“Exactly. The first one starting off as a solo gig is a great way to dip our toes in the water, but imagine if we did something like this for every fetish out there. I know you prefer filming with your friend. What’s his name again? Brent?”

“Brice.” His name slips guiltily off my tongue. What would he say if he were summoned into this bathroom at this very moment?

“Yeah, Brice,” Jack says absentmindedly, all too obvious from the tone of his voice that he’s mentioning him only in passing as a way to move onto the real topic he wishes to discuss. “How’s he doing, by the way? I heard he’s started physical therapy.”

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