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“We’re all tired,” I say to him in code. “Why don’t we get some sleep and we’ll see what happens tomorrow?”

Cory takes this to mean he has to hold on a little longer to get the goods from me, while Lizzie understands that it’s okay for her to sleep in here tonight (after all, it’s only her second night in a foreign country), but tomorrow she should try and be brave.

Two messages in one sentence. That’s the power of being an effective mother. One of them anyway.

When Lizzie goes to brush her teeth, yawning the whole way to the bathroom, I reassure Cory. “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what?” Cory asks and pulls me in for a kiss with his hands on either of my cheeks. When he finishes, he keeps his hands in place and squishes my face so that I’m sure I look silly. “For giving me a gorgeous daughter? Kids are kids. And we’ll make time for an adult session later, right?”

That’s what we’ve been calling it whenever Lizzie might be in earshot. An ‘adult session’. She’s eleven now, and I’ve confirmed with her that she’s learned all about sex in school this past semester, but we’re still hoping that she doesn’t break our code for another year or two. Or if she does that she keeps that information to herself. After all, we may be her parents, and thinking of us ‘doing it’ might gross her out, but we’re not about to stop. Especially not on what’s supposed to be our unofficial honeymoon.

“Oh, we’ll make time for multiple sessions.” At this point I’ve wrapped my arms around his waist. We’re pulling in for a more intimate kiss when the toilet flushes and the door opens. Cory and I dart away from each other.

It’s like we’re teenagers again, trying not to get caught. Only this time, we’re the parents.

Lizzie stretches her arms above her head and lets out a mighty yawn. She smacks at her lips and falls into the queen-sized bed. She crawls over to the middle ands asks, “Can we go to sleep now?”

I need a shower, but if I head into the bathroom, she’s sure to keep herself awake watching TV until I come back to bed. But I know Lizzie would only ask this if she were on the absolute verge of dreams already. Besides, I have a bit of an idea brewing in my head.

“Sure, sweetie.”

Cory and I lie beside her, on top of the blankets. I rub her back and in less than five minutes, light snores fill the space between Cory and me.

“That was easy,” Cory says. He pulls himself off the bed delicately so as not to wake her. “I’m just going to brush my teeth and wash my face.”

“You’re not going to take a shower?” I stand too, already making my way to the shower. I stop just inside the doorway, out of sight if Lizzie wakes, but right where Cory can see me strip out of my clothes. “I was hoping you could wash my back.”

A sly smile lifts the corner of his lips. “I’d be more than happy to help.”

As I’m leaning over the bathtub, figuring out the shower controls, I feel Cory come up behind me. He closes the door, locking it with a click, just in case. His arms then wrap around me, and he pulls me against his very naked body. His hand reaches around and finds my clit, gently stroking it. I let out a little moan but finally get the shower working. We need the water to wash away all the other sounds we’re bound to be making soon.

I was planning to get in the shower before we started having fun, but Cory obviously can’t wait. He’s got me bent over the bathtub, kissing down my back. His fingers glide up my thighs, and I find myself separating my legs to give him more access. Then I feel his cock press against my entrance, and he pushes in.

“Oh, god, “ I let out in a breathy voice.

His hands grasp at either side of my ass, and he guides me back against him. Steam fills the bathroom as our skin slaps against each other. My breasts swing underneath me as we speed up.

This is an unspoken quickie. We don’t have time for foreplay and fun. We both need release before Lizzie wakes up and finds us both missing. So Cory and I race ahead until soon I’m shaking in his grip. He presses into me a few more times before holding a position deep inside me. He fills me up, and gives a little quiver of his own before I feel his grip ease on my hips.

When he pulls out, he turns me round and into an embrace that he caps off with a deep kiss.

“Happy secret honeymoon.”

I lick at my lips, kiss him again, and then pull him into the shower.

We take turns washing each other’s hair. I love the way that his fingers massage at my scalp. I try to replicate the motion when it comes time to wash his hair, but I’m sure that I’m not doing it right. Then we lather each other up, washing down every nook and cranny of each other’s bodies. I spend extra care around his cock, while Cory makes sure that my breasts are cleaner than they have ever been.

If this were a normal night, I might be up for another round before we get out, but that first orgasm really shook all the remaining energy out of me. When we shut off the shower and grab the towels, my body feels too heavy to even dry myself off. And when I think about how I need to blow dry my hair before getting in bed, I just want to cry. Luckily, Cory acts before I even have to ask him. He gets me to sit on the toilet and takes up the blowdryer, his fingers brushing may hair in pleasurable little tugs.

We finish getting ready for bed, share a last kiss, and snuggle up on either side of Lizzie. Before I drift off, I look at Cory in the near pitch dark, illuminated only by the light of the city outside the curtains.

As I fall asleep and the boundaries between the real and the not blur, a mirage of imagined events scrolls across my droopy mind’s eye. I imagine us at the movie festival tomorrow, but instead of uproarious cheers as the credits of our movie roll, we’re met with silence. Then later, when I ask people what they thought about the movie, they don’t even know what I’m talking about. There are no boos. No critics writing scathing reviews.

There is simply silence.

I drift off into a dream fashioned to resemble my greatest fear: not that our movie will receive poor reviews, but that it will simply be forgotten.

Chapter 32

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