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He resisted when she tried bringing his hand back to her breast. “You are more beautiful than ever.”

“Next you’ll be telling me it’s okay that I packed on the pounds.”

“You’ve hardly done that. And I love every inch of you. I always have.”

He slid his shoulders between her thighs and filled his palms with her round backside. Her whole body trembled as he grazed his lips along the hollow beside her hipbone, and a ragged laugh escaped her.

It had been too long. Far too long. He licked her then. Her hips bucked in reaction, so he put his palm flat on her belly to keep her still. Her trembling increased as he tasted her excitement and found her ready for him. He flicked his tongue the way she liked and she moaned. At the sound he smiled. Then, he hummed against her, knowing it made her crazy.


He needed her to remember how it was between them. To be the only man she thought of. Pulling out every trick in the book, he made love to her with his mouth, hands and voice.

“I want to hear that noise again,” he said, looking up to watch her expression.

“What noise?” She was almost too breathless to be understood.

“The one you make when I do this.” He repeated his action and wrenched a soft yelp from her throat. “Yes,” he purred, “just like that.”

In the past, he’d utilized his expertise to bring her to the edge of orgasm and keep her there. Once, he’d even drawn this out for an hour. But tonight she came the instant he slid one finger inside her. With her lips parted on a strangled cry, her body bowed. The length and intensity of her climax caught him by surprise.

“Words cannot describe how amazing you are at that.” A single tear slipped down the side of her face, and she brushed it away with the back of her hand before extending her arms to him. “Come up here and kiss me.”

He obliged, but kept the contact light and sweet despite the temptation of her parted lips and the fingers she’d tunneled through his hair.

“I’m going to return the favor, I promise,” she said, grasping his bicep with surprising force. “As soon as I’ve recovered.”


Trent reached to the nightstand and after two futile attempts managed to grab a condom with his shaking fingers. He caught the wrapper between his teeth and carefully tore it open. Hollowed out by the longing to be inside her, he sheathed himself in the protection and suckled her breasts as he settled between her thighs.

If the tantalizing movement of her hands down his body was intended to drive him mad, it worked. And based on the look she cast from beneath her lashes, she knew just how well. He didn’t care. His level of arousal was almost painful as she wrapped her long fingers around him. A groan tore from his throat.

Fighting the urge to drive into her heat, he unclenched his teeth long enough to gasp, “I promised we’d take our time.” He pulled her hand away from his erection. “I’m too close for much of that.”

“Not close enough.” Her pout made him smile.

Their lips came together again. The kisses were slow and sweet, a blending of tongue and breath. The mood shifted from frantic hunger to wrenching emotion. It was easy to forget the distance a

nd hurt that had separated them.

Savannah slid the sole of her foot over Trent’s muscled calf and let her hands roam over his chiseled torso. Each rise and dip of his glorious body was imprinted on her memory, but the real thing was so much better.

With her body building slowly toward another mind-blowing orgasm, Savannah stormed Trent’s mouth with her tongue and nipped at his lower lip. She rocked against him until he flexed his fingers on her hip and shuddered. His erection lay trapped against her belly, hot and eager for her. Her hands dived between them and stroked him.

“I can’t wait another second. I need you inside me.”

“I need that, too.” His voice rasped against her neck. “It’s been too long.”

When he shifted over her, she spread her legs and lifted her hips. Her head fell back and her breath caught as he positioned himself and thrust.

Stars exploded behind her eyes. “Magic,” she murmured, closing her eyes to glory in how her body stretched and adapted to accommodate him. The fit was always perfect. He was her match in this.

“How I’ve missed this.” Trent seized her mouth and began to move.

It wasn’t like the night in his office when they’d both been hungry and frantic. This time Trent stared into her eyes and laced his fingers with hers. The emotion shading his expression was so raw it threatened to rip her heart out. Savannah wanted to turn aside and not get sucked into the whirlpool of longing for things that could never be.

Trent would never want more than this. She’d learned to accept that, but at moments like these when he gave her everything he was, her foolish heart hoped that maybe this time it would be different. Shutting the door on such thoughts, she closed her eyes and let her other senses take over.
