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His ragged breath fanned her hot skin as he kissed her shoulder. They were both close. She recognized the tension in his muscles and the rising intensity of his low murmurings. He wanted her to come and wouldn’t let himself go until she did. Her climax waited, just out of sight. She was holding back, unwilling to reach for her pleasure, wanting to prolong the intimacy of the moment just a little while longer.

But her body wasn’t about to be controlled. The first sharp bite of her orgasm stopped her breath. Her eyes snapped open. She caught Trent’s satisfied smile as he watched her. The sight of him was enough to send her over the edge. Pleasure reared up and slapped her hard. Savannah exploded.

Trent’s muted exclamation came a second later. Savannah had a moment to appreciate that he’d kept his voice down in consideration of Dylan sleeping in the room next door before a second wave of pleasure rolled through her.

She was sunk. The pressure in her chest told her that what had happened tonight had opened a rift in her defenses she’d be helpless to patch. It would take time and space to heal, and she wasn’t sure she had the willpower to let either do its work.

In the aftermath of their lovemaking, Trent rolled over so that she was lying on top of him. He sent his fingertips skating along her spine in long, soothing caresses. She loved this part. The moments when Trent’s guard was still down and she could talk to him about anything. But tonight she had trouble thinking of a subject that wouldn’t lead to trouble.

Trent was the first to speak. “I’m sorry I was so angry with you for marrying Rafe.”

“We’d been broken up for months. And it had ended so badly. But I shouldn’t have started seeing Rafe.”

“I couldn’t believe how fast you got over me.”

She was surprised by his admission. “I didn’t get over you.” She frowned. “You were the one who didn’t want me.”

“That’s not true.”

Trent shifted them until they lay on their sides facing each other, legs tangled to maintain their connection. Savannah put her head on the pillow while he caressed her cheek. Her heart thumped erratically as she took in his somber expression.

“You told me you had no interest in getting married and having children,” she reminded him.

“That didn’t mean I didn’t want you. I just didn’t want the same things you did.” He kissed her forehead. “You were the one who decided to end our relationship. Not me.”

Savannah remembered how she’d ached the day she’d told him they were done. “I guess in the end, it doesn’t matter which of us called it quits. The fact is, we wanted different things and neither of us would be happy long term.”

“I don’t believe that’s true. I would’ve been happy with you.” The simple words sounded as if they came straight from his heart.

“But you didn’t want...” Children. Marriage.

“I felt backed into a corner by your expectations.”

“By my...?” She was horrified. If she could have put her dreams aside and been satisfied to just love Trent, would they have stayed together? She grew lightheaded at the thought of all the heartache she could’ve avoided. “How is that possible? I never put pressure on you.”

“No, you didn’t. At least not intentionally. But you had such an idealistic view of how you wanted your life to be.” His fingers toyed with a strand of her hair, tickling her shoulder. “Were you happy with my brother?”

“Our marriage was more about an understanding than passion.” She read no tension or hostility in his body as his hands played over her skin with lazy contentment. “He didn’t love me.”

“Did you love him?”

“Not the way a wife should. As I said, we both went in with our cards on the table. He wanted Dylan to carry on your father’s dynasty.” She shifted her head and kissed Trent’s bare shoulder.

“And you were okay with that?”

“I was scared and alone and pregnant. I didn’t know what I was going to do.” Remembering that time, Savannah winced. That woman had been forlorn and in desperate need of saving. “I auditioned for anything that came along, but no one wanted to hire a woman who was three months pregnant. And I was sick. All the time. They talk about morning sickness. I had all-day sickness.”

“I’m sorry it was such a hard time for you. And I’m glad my brother was there to help.”

Rescuing her had always been Trent’s thing. She could hear the regret in his voice and lifted her head to gaze into his eyes.

“He would have loved to hear you say that.”

Trent scowled and gave her hair a fond tug. “You always see the best in people.” He sounded like a weary big brother. “That’s what gets you into trouble.”

“I know you and Rafe never got along because of how your father favored him, but he wasn’t a villain.” Savannah wasn’t sure why she needed Trent to recognize an alternate view of his brother. “He was as hurt and frustrated as you were. Siggy dumped the entire burden of his expectations and the weight of West Coast Records’ legacy on Rafe. I’m not sure you realize how lucky you were to escape.”

From his closed expression, she could tell he didn’t believe her.
