Page 101 of Saxonhurst Secrets

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‘Until we’re married,’ he said. ‘Then you can have as many as you like.’

‘Right. You’d better take me down the pub, then. Let’s have an engagement party.’

Adam felt like the man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo as he entered the bar of the Fleece with Evie on his arm.

All eyes swivelled over to him and he held Evie’s hand up deliberately high, drawing attention to the sparkling diamond on her ring finger.

‘Evening, vicar, Evie,’ said the landlord, looking up from his pump. ‘What’ll it be?’

Evie got in first.

‘Drinks all round,’ she announced, turning to the room. ‘To celebrate my engagement to our lovely vicar here. Go and tell them outside.’

There was an immediate scrum for the bar. Adam was buffeted this way and that by passing backslappers while the women all crowded around Evie to coo at the ring. A few vi

llagers muttered congratulations to him, but nobody seemed to want to catch his eye.

Indeed, it was Evie who got all the attention while Adam stood on the sidelines, sipping at his mineral water. They moved outside into the beer garden, making the most of the mellow evening sunshine.

At a table by the swings, they spotted Sebastian, Kasia and some of their entourage. Evie ran over to them while Adam followed at a slower pace, rehearsing some lines that he imagined would be immeasurably satisfying to deliver.

‘You’re marrying the vicar?’ Kasia’s tone suggested that Evie had announced her engagement to a toad.

‘Yes, she is,’ he confirmed, pulling up alongside Evie and taking her hand. ‘So I hope you’ll have her P45 ready on Monday morning.’

Sebastian stared. ‘We’re starting filming on a new feature tomorrow. Evie’s the star. After all the press coverage we got, she’s our biggest asset.’

‘Not any more. She’s my biggest asset now.’

‘Can you see the headlines?’ said Kasia slyly. ‘Vicar weds porn star.’

‘I’ll stand by her. I don’t care what anyone says. People can change. And Christianity, after all, is about forgiveness and finding redemption.’

‘I don’t think she’s done anything that needs to be forgiven,’ said Sebastian. ‘And if you do, then you’re not right for her. Evie, have you thought this through? Is it really what you want?’

‘You’ll have to postpone filming Lesbian Discipline,’ said Evie.

‘I can’t. Everything’s set for tomorrow.’

‘Tomorrow’ll be too soon,’ she said stonily.

Adam glanced at her. Too soon? What did she mean by that?

He didn’t have time to think about it, though, because he was sharply tugged away by a hand on his forearm.


‘You’re engaged to her?’


They walked to the barn where functions were sometimes held and stood by the door, leaving Evie with her erstwhile work colleagues.

‘The wedding’ll never happen,’ said Julia bluntly.

‘I’ve booked it. It’s in the church planner. I just need to hire the hall and do something about a reception.’

‘When’s it booked for?’
