Page 84 of Saxonhurst Secrets

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Adam could only stare.

‘That Victorian missionary. It was him who was killed at Palmers Barn. Another Evangeline was right there at the scene.’

‘I had a dream about him too,’ muttered Adam. ‘Earlier. He was teaching her about the Bible …’

‘Just like you and Evie, eh?’

‘So, look, what you seem to be saying is that if I continue to pursue Evie, I will die. Is that what you’re saying?’

‘I’m afraid it is. And I really shouldn’t be saying it. But I want to warn you, even if it makes me seem insane and simply sends you running far away from me. At least I’ll know I tried.’

‘Why shouldn’t you be saying it?’

Julia sucked at her bottom lip as if unsure whether to say anything more.

‘Let’s say I might be in for some unpleasant dreams of my own. My ancestors won’t be happy with me.’

‘They haunt you?’

‘Yes. They do. They’re very good at it too. They certainly worked their magic on my parents. And my husband.’


‘The really clever thing is they used me as their vessel. When I was a child. They made me drive my own parents mad with fear. Isn’t that cunning of them?’

‘Julia …’

‘You don’t believe me.’

‘Have you ever had proper grief counselling?’

She laughed, a high-pitched shriek that did nothing to reassure Adam’s doubts about her sanity.

‘Oh dear.’ She dabbed her eyes. ‘Grief counselling. That’s a good one. You’re so sweet. So innocent. Despite my best efforts to corrupt you.’

‘Ghosts, though. There’s no such thing.’

‘Oh yes there is. It’s why I daren’t go to sleep while I’m here.’


‘Will you stay with me? They might not come if you’re here.’

‘I can’t control your dreams.’

‘You can keep the ghosts away. They won’t want you to believe in them. If you believe in them, they lose.’

‘I don’t begin to understand this, Julia. But you’re really afraid, aren’t you?’

‘I’ve upset them enough already. Losing the house – marrying who I did … And now I’m telling you, when I shouldn’t be. I don’t know what they might do.’

Adam considered this for a moment.

‘Perhaps if you came back to the vicarage with me.’

And tomorrow I’ll make you a doctor’s appointment.

‘No, I have to stay here. I have to do that much for them. Now that the pornographers are gone, I stand a chance.’
