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I was still trying to sort through what was going on as I replied, “I would never replace you,” which was true.

“Are you two doing that dancing class?”

That was the perfect distraction from what I wasn’t feeling. “Yes. It was great. And I’m way better at it than he is—always a plus. He thinks he’s good at everything, and he probably is at most things. He’s that guy, ya know? The one who can do anything. But yeah, it was fun. We’re going to continue taking them, at least until we learn the cha-cha. We also have this gala our instructor Susanne puts on, which we’re gonna do. It made me realize how much I really do miss dancing. I signed up for ballet lessons, hence the cash-flow problem.”

Danny’s thick brows were pulled together. His mouth was tight, but not in a way that told me he was angry, only confused.


He gave me a small smile. “Nothing. I… I’m happy for you. The dance thing. It sounds good. You were always a beautiful dancer. I’m glad you’re getting that back, and I hope Shaw is a good friend, is all. If he’s not, I’ll kick his ass.”

“Or, you know, I’ll do it for myself. Not that anyone would need to. He’s not as bad as I thought, and like I said, we’re just friends, so it’s not like there’s anything to worry about.” Great. Now it was going to take a while before he stopped thinking Shaw and I were hanging out in a different way than we actually were.

Danny nodded, then leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

“What was that for?” It wasn’t that we didn’t kiss often, but it was usually hello or goodbye.

“Because I wanted to,” he said, pulling his straw out of his cup and flicking it at me so I got sprayed with lemonade.

“Hey, fucker. That wasn’t very nice.” I pulled my straw out and did the same to him.

I missed this. Missed us, which didn’t make sense, considering we hadn’t gone anywhere.

We hung out for a little while longer before Danny had to go. I took public transportation back to my apartment alone. I didn’t know what it was about hanging out with Danny that had felt different today, more like old times.

While I was sitting on the bumpy ride, I pulled out my phone. Without knowing why I did it, other than curiosity and maybe the immergence of latent stalking habits, I pulled up Charades & Sexcapades.

There were a couple of new advice questions posted, but nothing really interesting. Well, at least not until I saw an article posted just after midnight, Thursday morning.

Finding Your Passion

I know this post is a little different from what I usually write, but it’s been on my mind. I don’t think it’s something most of us actively think about—finding our passion or what our passion is. We work. We pay bills. We go to college so we can do all the working and the paying of our bills. It seems like more and more, we’re led to believe passion isn’t important. That you don’t have to enjoy what you do, and for those who do, they’re simply lucky. Not everyone has that benefit. And I get it. I feel it too, but I’ve been thinking lately, always a dangerous thing to do, honestly. But yeah, I’ve been thinking, and maybe, maybe the world would be a happier place if we all knew what made us passionate and made a point to do it. Even if it’s not in your career, but ya know, in life. Something to think about.



I was looking through the fridge, trying to find something quick and easy to make for dinner, when my cell buzzed. It was on the bar, so I turned and grabbed it to see Elijah’s name on the screen. Hi.

Well, someone was feeling wordy this evening. Hi, I replied.

What’s up? Going out to find a conquest tonight?

Aw, and we were making so much progress. Are you back to judging me again? I asked, but really I was grinning.

The truth was, I’d considered going out tonight. It was still a possibility. Will and I were checking in with each other later, but it was much better to pretend I had no plans for that. I’ll have you know, I was going to sit at home, cook dinner, and watch a movie, thank you very much, I added.

The second I hit Send, there was a message from him, telling me we had been typing at the same time. You’re right. I suck. A second text came through like he’d just read mine. Oh. I’m not doing anything. I went to the aquarium with Danny earlier.

I was pretty sure I’d just twitched at the mention of the perfect Danny. I didn’t get what Elijah saw in that guy, but I was suddenly very curious about their day. Not that I wanted to hear Elijah gush over their future together, but I couldn’t deny I was a nosy motherfucker. Are you married yet? With child? Or maybe it’s D who’s preggo. Not making any assumptions .
