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Chapter 5

Caught in the Maelstrom


At some point during the peaceful trip to the hotel, I lose the edge. Logan doesn’t try to make small talk and, if I’m being honest with myself, I don’t expect an apology from him. Confused by what all transpired, I tune him out. My racing mind needs a moment to regroup.

From the corner of my eye, I see he is looking for the chance to make conversation, but I make no move to engage him. I am not interested in chitchat with anyone right now. Besides, I have been too adventurous with him already. No need to try my luck again. What has gotten into me?

“Hey.” Logan places a hand on my arm. Startled, I shake out of my daze. In the thick of solving my inner turmoil, I didn’t notice we’d arrived at the hotel.

I leave his car and, at once, I become aware of his nearness. The hand pressed possessively on the small of my back, the hot breath teasing my neck, making my pulse jump.

He doesn’t seem to get message I don’t want him. I don’t feel so safe anymore, and Logan Cade seems like the type who doesn’t understand word no. As I make my way into the lobby, I prepare a plan how to get rid of him.

Ready to give him the middle finger as a message from the mouse he tried to catch, I grin. Let’s score some more!

I excuse myself to the ladies’ room and quickly tell the concierge I am being followed by a man. I don’t want him to know where I’m staying!

“Please, sir, help me. He’s a handsome man, but I don’t intend to spend the night with him.” The tall, dark-skinned man with brown eyes quickly realizes my situation and signals for security before sending me upstairs.

Don’t need to be told twice. I make my escape, satisfied that the ever so sure Mr. Cade is about to get a rude wake-up call. At last, my world seems to straighten on its axes and resume the usual spinning cycle.

After two hours, I’m lounging in the luscious king-sized bed, watching my favorite program about home designs. Often, and against my will, my thoughts drift to Logan and the meeting. Embarrassed, I curse the arrogant prick. For some reason, his very “charming” personality excited me. Not happy about my reaction to him, I keep reminding myself he humiliated me. That helps a little.

A gentle knock on the door interrupts my daydreams. Who that might be? I consider grabbing a vase from the coffee table for defense, then quickly dismiss the idea. I get up to open the door, wondering why the hotel staff would be bothering me at this hour.

I take a deep breath, tightening the robe around me, and I open the door. I gasp, blinking like an idiot, and temporarily forget how to breathe.

On the other side, towering above me, is the intimidating man I’d managed to escape from earlier. Logan Cade’s carved figure stands there, hugging the doorframe. Fuck, how did he know my room number?

Those incredible eyes latch on to my surprised ones, and I take a step back, hitting the door. The breath gets knocked out of my chest from the intensity he exudes. Is he stalking me?

Powerful arms flex, drawing my attention to a blatant display of power. But he makes no move. He doesn’t have to, and I’m too bewildered to scream for help or close the door in his face. Confused how he found me, I rattle my brain for a logical explanation but come up empty. I should have fetched that damn vase.

Smirking at my expression, he walks past me into the room and sits on my bed like he owns the place. My eyebrows furrow as I watch him. His gaze fastens on me, thick eyebrows mocking my bravado, lips luring for a taste. I straighten my back in defiance and shut the door, refusing to let him intimidate me. I come closer as the stalker checks me out. Green eyes burn with the things I’m not interested in.

“What are you doing here, Logan?” I ask, curious, tightening my robe like it could shield me from him. “How did you get past security? I’ve told them that you’re stalking me. How the hell did you know where I am?”

His lips curve upward as he stands and slowly reaches my baffled body in few strides. One of his hands goes to the arch of the spine while the other cups my neck. Masculine scent surrounds me, and heat lures me in. His lips touch my earlobe, as warm breath washes over my skin, causing my nerves to ignite.

“I’m staying at this hotel, Angel. I explained to them you got scared for no reason. I was simply on the way to my suite.” He smirks, and a delicious shiver runs down my spine. Warm air tickles my exposed skin. “I called my assistant, and he provided me with your hotel room number.”

Shit. I’m sure my stalker is telling the truth. I scheduled the hotel rooms for all attendees. They are on the same level. His assistant probably could have pulled out everyone’s accommodation arrangements.

Logan’s stubble nuzzles my neck as I grip him for support, my weak knees threatening to collapse. My pulse throbs, demanding more of the feather-light explorations. Those soft lips tease me, and I hold back a moan.

Logan's hands lock securely around my waist before my legs give out, and he walks us towards the bed, supporting my weight. I straddle him, curious and too weak to deny the seductive pull he has on me. His lips gently track a path over the contours of my eyelids and nose, then he pauses just millimeter from my parted lips. My breath becomes shallow.

“Logan…we can’t. This isn’t…” My words trail off, forgotten, as he brushes his lips against mine.

I am starved for a connection, or someone’s passion

, capable of making me forget who I am, if only for a moment. Hungry for someone able to submerge me in a passionate, thrilling high, and penetrate my cold, detached soul, I have no intention of making this anything but physical.

I allow myself to explore him, tracing his strong jaw with my fingertips. Our breaths mingle, and Logan’s silent groans fuel my need to sample his quickening pants. It kindles my center and erases all the sadness within.

In this moment, I don’t care about repercussions. The ravenous need’s rippling inside of me, awakening a hungry beast. He pulls me flush against him, securing me so I won’t escape. It is satisfying to be this close, to feel his desire, and be connected. A desperate sound escapes my lips.
