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Logan groans and pulls me tightly against him. I wrap my hand around his neck in a choking hold. I am furious with him. Our lips mesh, and I bite his bottom lip in warning. Our breaths mingle for the moment, in a ferocious need to connect. I don’t understand this powerful reaction to him.

My body burns with heat, electrifying every particle of my skin. My breasts become heavy with the intense need to be touched. I wrap my legs around Logan’s torso, and he carries me to the bedroom.

Although I am fuming, he handles me with care and gently places me on the bed. His weight descends on mine, trapping me beneath him. I can’t seem to keep my mind straight as his alluring essence makes me swim with need. The intimacy is sweet ecstasy, an addiction.

His lips move to my pulse as he kisses the pathway down my neck, leaving a trail of goose bumps on my skin. His hand caresses my transforming body, and I moan, crying out his name.

“Shhhh, baby, I will take care of you,” he whispers, descending down my body and finding my protruding belly. He kisses it and holds it between his hands, looking at the size of it in wonder.

For some reason, I find it hilarious and start giggling. It turns into laughter and then, almost instantly, into tears. Logan pulls me close, kiss my temple.

“I am not leaving you, Angel. I am sorry for hurting you. Forgive me for being an idiot.”

I start to hiccup. Curled in his comforting presence, I fall asleep. I dream of a beautiful forest with a waterfall, hidden and calling me.

Embrace of Forgiveness


I open my eyes, but the heartbeat from the hot and comforting male next to me drags my heavy eyelids closed again. I’m unable to make myself rise from his relaxing and cozy embrace, no matter how hard I try to persuade myself. Instead, I enjoy the heat. Warm lips find my pulse.

“Good morning, Angel, how did you sleep?” His lazy smile lets me know that he knows the answer already.

I turn towards him to see a proud expression on his unguarded face. I study him, while he caresses my belly with tender moves, leaving me feeling warm and content.

As I look into his half-lidded green emeralds, I’m overcome with the instant need to touch him. As I trail my fingers along his face, he makes a satisfying sound in response to my curious caresses and a shiver runs through his body.

His hands are resting on my spine, and he pecks my nose. All the fury I felt yesterday no longer exists. Not in this cozy embrace. It feels like we are in some sort of protective bubble; there, we are safe and untouched from all the raging storms and threats. We fall asleep again, as I’m surrounded by his aura warming my heart and calming my soul.


What the hell? We wake up to the doorbell buzzing annoyingly, and I’m forced to leave the comfort of my bed. I groggily open the door to see all the gang at the door, grinning like crazy at my disheveled state.

“So, how was your night?” Rider asks, suggestively wiggling his eyebrows.

Ah, asshole Rider. I can’t deal with him and his teasing banter just yet. I give him the middle finger, causing them all to laugh.

“Are you sure that there are only two babies in your womb,” Raine continues teasing, not even relenting as I move away from the door, headed to the kitchen to make some coffee.

Aisha probably shared all the juicy details with the rest of them. I will never be able to live it down. Logan comes out of the bedroom, and Aisha and Raine have a quiet talk with him in the corner.

“So, how about let’s get this show going?” Raine starts to boss around the crew, like it’s her kingdom and we are her servants. I smile at Logan’s rebellious yet somewhat amused expression. Oh, this will be fun!

Somehow, they manage to put up all the flat pack furniture. At last, my apartment looks almost finished. I was excluded from the work because, apparently, I’m too pregnant. I am so happy, though, my smile hasn’t disappeared all day long. I still have to talk with Logan, but if I read him right, he’s regretting his words.

All of a sudden, Logan kisses me in front of my sisters and Rider. As he lets me up for air, I give him a fuming look with the promise of retaliation, but his eyes burn with desire to feel my passion.

“Well, since I have your full attention, I want you to let me take you out for a walk. How do you feel about the park, with squirrels and pigeons for company?” With amusement still in his eyes, Logan tries to coax me to go out.

I have a feeling he wants more privacy for our conversation. “Let me change first.”

The early evening is so calm and refreshing after a hot summer day, and it feels amazing to breathe in the peaceful dusk air. Logan keeps his hand on the small of my back all the way to the park, letting his warmth seep into my skin. We walk in silence. He is lost in his own thoughts.

Maybe he just wanted to give me a little time before the awkward conversation begins. I don’t mind waiting, considering my body needs the fresh air and exercise anyway. I could feel his gaze on me as we walk, the tension of the looming conversation hovering like a cloud above us.

I take the opportunity to keep this quiet and peaceful ambiance.

“Your sisters seem very protective of you. I am happy you are surrounded with your family. Mine would love to meet you too.”
