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“What the hell did you do, Leif? Why Cassandra is scared of you?”

The tension makes it hard to breathe. Pressed against his chest, I try to make sense of everything that just happened. Relieved, I quietly sob.

“Hey, look, I didn’t expect her to act like a crazy person and run for a knife. I thought she’d get it in the end that I’m not you,” Leif nonchalantly explains. “Hey, Cassandra, I’m Leif, uncle to the twins and brother to the sperm donor.”

I turn around, and I slap him with all strength left in me. His head is thrown to the side and as he straightens, I hit him again for good measure.

“You’re a dickhead. I thought you are going to hurt my babies…” I get choked up. “I felt terrified, and you’re sorry that I felt threatened, claiming I acted like a lunatic? Are you fucking kidding me? Get out of my house! Or you’ll get to know how my family treats threats,” I yell in rage, ready to unleash on him. The adrenaline surging through my veins feeds the fury.

“Hey, ok, maybe I was an idiot, but seriously, who is crazy enough to run for the knife as soon she has a scare?”

“Enough, Leif. I advise you to be more remorseful or you going to talk with my fists next.”

That shuts him up. Logan draws me into his embrace, stroking my back as we both watch Leif.

“Listen, I just wanted to have a chance come to meet the twins, ok? I’m not a fan of your manipulating women. That’s why I wasn’t very friendly with this one either,” he explains, messing up his unruly hair, clearly uncomfortable with the turn of events, but not enough to feel guilty.

“Well, hello everyone, what did I miss,” Aisha sing-songs, coming closer to Leif with hidden murder in her eyes.

Oh great, we are going to have a bloodbath.

“Hi, I’m Aisha!” Before Leif can even give her charming dimpled smile, Aisha performs a one-knee-to-the-balls technique. He falls to his knees, holding himself, and she whispers something to him. The challenging glint in Leif’s eyes says, “Bring it on.”

Why me?

“How about I get on with dinner since it’s tradition to feed our guests?” Before we slaughter them with our personalities, I silently add. I retreat to calm down both my nerves and shivering body from the adrenaline and fear.

“Perhaps next time? I wouldn’t want you to go anywhere near the knives, cr—” He doesn’t finish because Aisha has his hand twisted behind his back in a painful hold that makes him lose his breath.

I smile to myself, thinking, Here we go, tiger, have a taste of Aisha’s protectiveness. Have your way with my guest of honor for now. Because later, I will kill him with kindness and for dessert, skewer his sweet ass into the shape of a melted marshmallow!

“Logan how about you check on our twins, and I will get on with early dinner and dessert. Leon really needs to be changed. I think I truly want to get to know your brother over the good food.” I promise no good outcome for Leif.

“I see my brother is in good, gentle hands.” Sarcasm drips from every single word, but he leaves us with a wide grin on his face, knowing perfectly well how gentle they can be. “Enjoy!”

“So, how about you sit here, and I will start dinner,” I cheerfully advise him.

I turn to address my sister. “Do you mind keeping him company?” She gives me encouraging nod as she settles next to our guest of honor.

They both watch me chopping, cutting with a vigor that I never use in the kitchen. To make Leif sweat a little, I play up to this crazy label while Aisha serves him a cold beer from the fridge. Leif throws his head back to drink it, his throat moving as he swallows.

Meanwhile, I stalk every move, holding the knife, purposely giving the impression that I am thinking about cutting it. An alarmed look crosses Leif’s face, as a lazy smile emerges, along with a crazy glint in my eyes. I’ll admit, I look a little bit dangerous.

“Why don’t you stay over tonight? We have an empty guest room. The walls are insulated pretty well, soundproof,” I propose to him, with an up-to-no-good expression. Aisha chokes on her drink, trying to mask her laugh. Surprised, she turns to look at me, and I wink.

“Ah-mmm, I don’t want to impose on a tired mother who needs few hours of rest. I think I’ll rent a room somewhere in town.” He is really nervo

us. Perfect!

When Logan comes back, he joins Leif, who relaxes a little bit. Aisha comes over to help me, bumping my hip conspiratorially. Oh yes, the game is on! Poor idiot won’t know what hit him.

Just a little over an hour later, and I’m done. Aisha sets the table with beautiful plates and candles, making it look very intimate.

“Here we go, delicious food for the guest of honor. Enjoy!”

I serve juicy steak with finger-licking sauce, veggie quinoa, and salads on the side. The secret smile is present.

Leif is suspicious as hell, but doesn’t want to offend me. “Thank you, looks great.” He nervously clears his throat, knowing perfectly well he is on shaky ground with me.
