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Our boy makes an unhappy noise in protest and disperses the tension, causing my nipple to slip out of his demanding mouth, and the milk starts spray all over his face. White rivulets get in his nose and eyes, offending our boy.

The charged atmosphere dissolves as we both jump to save our son from the incident and we start to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. Our baby girl wakes up, smelling the breast milk party commencing just next to her cot.

Logan ends up carrying Liane around the house to give me time to feed Leon. In the end, he comes in the room, distressed and out of his comfort zone, as she didn’t like waiting her turn. I take her off his hands and settle our girl to breastfeed as her dad sits next to me, watching us both.

“They are two happy chaos bringers, aren’t they?” I ask him, grinning in amusement by his inexperience and recalling his stressed-out expression.

“Well, they are two crying terrors who want what they want and nobody shall dare to stand in their way!” He makes me want to laugh because his description reminds me of him.

“You haven’t seen anything yet, Daddy! They will show us their true character soon enough for us to lose some hair.”

“Don’t you laugh. We must take over the house, otherwise we done here!” he says with pretend horror.

“I would ask Aisha and Raine to come to help, but they might take their sides instead of ours. We’re out of options, buddy, our kids know how to charm their pants off.” I giggle as Liane makes an unhappy sound in protest.

“I know. Look at my boy, he will be a strong man with his grip like Hercules, and my little girl, with those dark locks, looking like beautiful Snow White.”

We hold our babies before settling them down in their cots, then stand next to each other, watching them sleep.

Part II

Tangled Hearts

Chapter 18

Ripples in the Lake


Two months later

The doorbell’s buzzing. Both Leon and Liane have been crying restlessly for the past hour; as I tried to breastfeed one, the other has been screaming for food. I take both of them into my arms as I descend the stairs, putting little Liane in the stroller so I can open the door.

Finding Logan at the door, I feel a huge relief. “Here, he’s yours,” I say, handing Logan his son. “Thank God you’re here, why didn’t you use your key? Liane hasn’t been changed or fed yet, and she isn’t willing to wait anymore. Let’s go, you’ll need to change Leon.”

We quickly climb the stairs I settle Liane for her turn to eat, who is clearly distraught.

“The nappies and wipes are on the right. How come you’re not at the meeting?” I ask, but pay little attention to my partner-in-crime as Liane is not latching on my breast. I have to calm her down first as my heart still beating too fast, probably setting her off. I take time to speak to her in a comforting voice. I finally get her to latch on my breast hungrily.

As I expel the breath I didn’t know been holding, I finally look at Logan, who is holding our son away from him like a smelly cat who is too dangerous to cuddle.

“Are you afraid that he will soil your expensive clothes?” I notice that he is not in his work suit, but in jeans and a long-sleeved khaki top. His beard is so coarse and his hair long, both desperately in need of a haircut. I really need some sleep, if I hadn’t noticed such details about him before.

Logan doesn’t answer as Leon is not happy with the treatment and gives him unhappy wail. He draws him into his chest as the boy looks at him with ‘don’t you dare do it again’ infuriated eyes. Mr. Cade looks at him with a roguish grin and shakes his head at our son’s bossy character. Then he locks eyes with me and comes closer, making me gasp. My heart feels strange and disorientated, and a little off-balance. When he kneels in front of me breastfeeding our daughter, I try to decipher what alerts me.

The hair on my skin rises, almost as if in warning, making me more confused than ever. Why do I feel unsafe around Logan right now? All my fears start to create the most terrifying scenarios. My heart starts to pound as I try to remember where my cell phone is.

How I can reach it before he hurts us? My eyes begin to water. The terrible feeling’s poisoning my blood with a dark bitter taste. Kneeling in the shadow, his menacing gaze is locked on me. I give him a reassuring smile as his hand touches my leg while holding an unrestful Leon. I shiver, his touch feels wrong. Liane starts to wail, as if sensing my distress.

“Hey, it’s ok, baby girl. Logan, you can put Leon in his bed, they must rest now. Do you want some coffee before you go back to work?”

Not waiting for his response, I put Liane to bed. Then I take Leon from him, kissing his tiny head and placing him next to his sister. I can change him later. I walk out of the room, drawing him away from the twins, rapidly moving towards the kitchen.

As expected, he follows me downstairs. Before I reach the kitchen, he grabs my arm and turns me around. Not wasting precious time, I kick him hard between his legs and take off to the kitchen to grab a knife. With the blade in hand, I stand, ready to confront him.

But before I can, he, with few quick moves, disables me. Entrapped in his arms, I struggle. I hit the offender’s nose with the back of my head, making him groan in pain and let go. I run as fast as I can, colliding with what feels like a brick wall. The impact is jarring and I start to fall. Surprised, I scream in fear but then a familiar scent and heat envelops me.

“Logan!” I cry out. His hands tighten as he speaks to the intruder.

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