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Aisha holds me, repeating, “Everything will be all right.”

Numbly, I tell her the truth.

“Things can be bought and earned back; they are expendable, sister. But people, they’re treasures that can’t be replaced. Kids safe upstairs?”

I nod. She leaves and comes back with a broom, hoover, and some rubbish bags.

I am grateful for the support, but it nags me. Aisha didn’t even blink as I told her it was my fault, but it is the last time she gets to clean my mess. From now on, I plan to fight my own battles.

Together, we clear the wreckage in silence. The mess left behind is evidence of lost memories, and the empty room echoes with the void. Appalled, I shudder.

Turning around the dark house, I see Leif has returned, and I meet his dark gaze. Whatever he sees in mine makes him concerned for his brother. I’ve done enough damage to know I need to leave them. Then he comes closer, and I don’t hide behind the façade I use as a shield. Leif opens his mouth to say something, but changes his mind and leaves, shaking his head.

It hurts. Leif doesn’t even think I’m worth the effort to speak to. Logan’s emotional withdrawal bothers me. I pushed this man to the limit, and he broke. A lone tear caresses my face, chilling me as it slides down my cheek.

I feel him standing behind me with my coat. Shoving my arms through the sleeves, I notice he wears his as well, ready to leave. This is it then.


I nod in confirmation and before we leave, I walk up to my sister. Holding back tears, I embrace her. “I love you, my fierce little sister. Thank you for always being here for me, take care.” I walk away as her tears wash her beautiful features.

Like a mindless zombie, I sit next to him as he drives, ignoring our surroundings. Will he want to talk to me? Tired from all the if’s and what’s circling in my head, eventually, I fall asleep.

Later, I jerk awake to Logan carrying me towards a building. I don’t remember our journey to the well-lit structure, as my mind locked itself out. I don’t care to know. Instead, I concentrate on his scent and comforting essence, trying to draw him in and trap it inside me. These memories are melding in my heart, hiding in my soul. It will help me deal with the plaguing nightmares.

Softly touching his pulse, I kiss him there, silently apologizing for all the wrongs I’ve done. He deserves happiness with someone who’ll love and treasure him.

Someone opens the doors for us and with a heavy drawl, instructs us, “No one will disturb you unless you need our help.”

After they exchange the information, Logan carries me into a humid room. The first thing that attacks my senses is a chlorine smell and the heat of moist air heavily settling in my lungs. What the hell?

Confused, I open my eyes to see a very softly lit swimming pool with blue lights. The aquamarine blue glass is rippling, with electric blue lines traversing the water. The heat of the pool leaves a smoky mist, and the soft light makes it look mysterious and romantic.

I am so shocked, I don’t notice I’ve walked up to the edge and am standing in awe. “I don’t understand. Why we are here?”

His body heat from behind soothes me, and the rising humidity from the pool makes my clothes damp. My skin suddenly becomes aware of Logan’s proximity. His touch, like an electric current, makes my nerves lit up. Conscious of every single detail about him, my soul yearns to be in his arms, to curl up like a cat next to him.

I can’t let myself forget what happened today, though, so stubbornly, I stand, watching the water ripple. I don’t dare to invite hope into my fragile heart just yet.

“Turn around, Angel.” The sexy pitch of his voice makes me shiver. He winds his hand around my waist and tugs until I stand before him. Embarrassed, I watch his bare feet, trying to remember when he took his shoes off. Did he bring me here to say goodbye?

Determined, he lifts my chin to meet his gaze. The goose bumps explode on my skin. The radiant heat in his eyes knocks the breath out of my chest. I expected violence, disappointment, anger, but instead, his face is soft with kindness and sympathy. What is wrong with this man?

“Are you ok?”

Bewildered, I don’t know how to answer him.

“Do you know what we are doing here?” He doesn’t wait for me to answer, though. He places a kiss on my forehead, and then steps back, leaving me cold and yearning for him to come back.

Slowly, he begins to undress. Standing by the edge, he hauls the T-shirt over his head, exposing his masculine chest. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to look or not, but selfishly, I drink him in. He is a gorgeous man, carved like a statue.

“Your turn.” He grins, amused. I blink hard in shock. What? “Need my help?”

I look around, trying to grasp the meaning of this, but there are no answers. Impatient, Logan stalks up to me, until I almost topple over the edge. He grabs me, drawing into his bare chest. My surprised gasp makes him happy as he waits for me to catch up. Except I have no idea what his game is about. I can’t make my scattered brain connect the dots.

Is this some sort of his cruel joke to humiliate me? Did I miss something? His raven-colored head lowers to my shoulder, kissing the sensitive spot there, eliciting a shiver down my spine.

Then he whispers to my ear, “We just came out alive from Hurricane Sandra. We should celebrate, don?
