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My eyes begin to water as I watch the sharp spikes protrude from the red massive blotch on the ground. I raise my gaze to the horizon, overcome by the sense of déjà vu, and I see the skies developing a mysterious whirlpool above. It is a sign of impending danger, and I can’t force myself to move.

The looming doom fills my lungs with the imminent threat I won’t escape. Then, my heart starts to build in rhythm, as if getting ready for the gun to fire. The air fills with a heavy foreboding feeling, and then the fear of revelation halts my heart in horror.

Nate and Ethan are playing on the concrete road with little cars, oblivious to the danger they are in.

“Ethan, Nate!” I start to run, crying out their names, but no sound leaves my lips. My legs are so light, I can’t make them reach the ground to get proper momentum.

Ethan’s little hands raise the blue car in the air, his chubby cheeks on display as he hums, mimicking the sound of the engine. Nate takes the truck and crashes it. Ethan, delighted, laughs as they play. I scream, cry, but they can’t hear me.

“Get out of the way!” They don’t look up, as if they are somewhere else. The screeching car halts me, hitting me. As I fall, twisting, I notice my children are no longer there.


I see her coming out from the wine shop as some dick shoves her aside. Cassandra loses her balance and drops the wine on the street. I’m about to reach her to help as she spaces out, but then she runs, calling out to them.

“Nate! Ethan! Get out of the way!” All the hair on my arms raises in warning as a horrible feeling grips my heart and squeezes. She runs across the busy street.

Randomly, I grab a lady in a pink uniform and tell her to watch over my twins before I run after her. My heart stops beating and I begin to pray. Before I can get to her, I see the braking car. It wasn’t able to stop completely before it bumped her leg. I watch her eyes regain awareness as she wakes up from her trance, looking around, as if trying to put missing pieces together. My panicking heart propels my legs to close the gap between us.

“Cassandra, love, you’re ok, I’ve got you.” I repeat it again and again. The confused woman is enveloped in my arms, trembling in terror. My tormented angel's face is wet with streaming tears, and she’s shaking and agitated. I pick her up and carry across the road. The drivers honk and shout at us, but I don’t pay attention to them. She is the only one I care about.

People help me out. They try to keep traffic st

ill until we cross to safety. The stranger brings the stroller with our twins. We’re all safe, but I can’t catch my breath. Cassandra is in shock. The twins are asleep. I drive us to Raine’s. Helpless, I watch waterfalls of tears continue to stream down her face. She trembles like a leaf caught in the winds.

“Cassandra, look at me, please,” I demand, and she turns slowly. I see the shock etched on her features, but I don’t know what to do. She used to have severe panic attacks, but these visions are now placing her in grave danger.

“We are going to be ok. Just breathe. Do it for me, Angel.” She starts her breathing routine. She is numb, not anxious.

These mysterious visions keep dragging her down. Although she works with the therapist, these manifesting episodes worry me. Trapped in cycling thoughts, I don’t notice when we arrive at her sister's.

Raine opens the door, coming to meet us. “Hi, guys! I am so glad you here! Let’s go, I want to show you around.”

Quickly, she notices that something is wrong, but I shake my head in warning. Raine nods and goes straight for Liane as Leon is already in my arms. We take the kids into the house, and I come back out for Cassandra. A mortified expression is on her face.

“I am sorry…Logan.” She presses her forehead to mine as we hold one another. A choked sound renders her speechless and trembling.

Since I crave the contact like a starving man, I find her pulse and hold my lips there, tasting her misery. With no words, she seizes my lips with her own, apologizing for the scare. The kiss cleanses me of all fears.

“Let’s have fun. We will figure this one out somehow.” I mean it, but Cassandra’s expression is bleak.

After a delicious dinner, our kids enjoy playing with the pets. They love the attention. But I watch Cassandra, who is trying her best to please Raine. As if noticing I’m looking at her, she turns her pale blue eyes on me. Whatever she sees makes her pupils dilate and nostrils flare. I know that she wants to be touched and feel connected.

I lean and whisper, “Yours, whatever and however you want.” I kiss my favorite spot, eliciting a shiver, and her quiet gasp thrills me as her eyelashes flutter and close. The exquisite need to have a taste of this woman is torturous enough.

Raine clears her throat, as if to remind us that we are not alone. We look back at her, and she wears a shit-eating grin, which I can’t help but return. Since her striptease, both sisters became my cheerleaders, pushing me to get their sister to bed with all sorts of help.

Once they dumped a packet of banana-flavored condoms on my bed, and a Kamasutra book, or How to get it on with the Mother of Twins. My brother, after our fight, is also changing sides to align with the Night Clan. He gifted her with a few sex toys in good faith. Leif changed his opinion about Cassandra, although she doesn’t know, since he takes too much pleasure in torturing her.

Whenever I come home, he’s helping her while she feeds or cooks. They talk for hours until Leif ruins it with cruel jokes or innuendoes. Once, I found her using a leather paddle he got for her to spice up our “marriage.” She whipped his ass real good.

“Let me practice before I ruin the experience for your brother! Drop your pants and let’s see if it works on your butt before I try it on Logan’s!” She chased him around while our twins sat, giggling in delight at their play time.

The next day, he brought me a whip. “This is for you to teach her good manners.” Later that evening, I found her researching flashlights on the internet. And, to no surprise, those were from a sex shop.

“Here, this gift is for you, I thought that you might be very disappointed with the lack of gratitude I showed to you. Take this. I don’t want you to be unfulfilled by my bad hosting.” She gives him the present, mischief shining in her eyes as she waits for him to unwrap it. The look on my brother’s face is priceless. The “Megan the Flashlight” was definitely a shock.

Since then, both shamelessly tease each other. I have to admit, I start to get jealous whenever I find Leif with her, laughing or playing with my kids.
