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My rouge brother finds my possessive feelings hilarious. Once, Leif changed his appearance to look like me. Wearing my clothes and cologne, he attempted to get in her pants. Well, after the hellcat unleashed fire on his ass, he moved out for a week.

When I asked what happened, she said, “I wanted to bone your copy, but your brother got scared and ran.” I laughed because she had this fire in her eyes that made her look pleased with herself instead upset or hurt. My brother definitely learned his lesson the hard way.

More often than not, I contemplate putting a stop to their constant banter and teasing in fear that these two might become rivals, or worse—buddies. The only times Leif drops his hard façade is when she’s breastfeeding. Spellbound, he watches the twins suckling her full breast.

“Keep you pervert eyes off her, will you?” I’ve asked him a few times, annoyed.

As soon as Cassandra notices the tension between us, she tries to help to emancipate it. After our fight, Leif is torturing her on purpose to pull her strings to see if she breaks. So, my dark angel pays him back.

They’ve forged a strong bond and Leif isn’t able to ignore her. We have a silent agreement to protect her as long as she needs it. Such a shame it doesn’t extend to how to conduct their relationship.

I’m pulled out of my thoughts when Cassandra goes upstairs to feed the little ones. Once she’s out of earshot, Raine tries to get me to talk.

“What happened today?” Her concern makes me want to vent, so I tell her everything. The emotions squeeze my chest as I recall how close she came to getting hurt.

Raine looks at me with tears streaming down her pale face, as if I could fix her. “Why is she getting worse, Logan?”

Disheartened by our failures, I can’t take this sadness. The invisible thread continues to pull on me, to find the woman I love. My heartbeat gallops, trying to reunite us.

“I don’t know.” Still confused, I go to find her.

Our son has the biggest grin ever as Liane tugs him towards her, which turns into annoyance. My little girl is possessive—I bet she will be a force to be reckoned with. Their mother’s eyes meet mine, and I close the distance.

This woman wields a power over me, as invisible strings bind us together. The lack of my claim on her heart is the hardest to admit. Since she barely knows it herself, lost in her pain and tragedy, she only hears it beat in panic. Not in love.

We decide not to stay longer as our twins have grown tired. When we collect our things, I watch Cassandra’s reactions to my close proximity. Her eyes, that usually are so pale, are now dark with desire. Her skin has a blush and her pulse is erratic.

Let’s see how far I can push you and how hard you push me back. It is probably the only way to check how close I am to breaking in.

Nevertheless, I only can promise her space if she gives in. The lack of it now is creating tension but I’ve kept myself away, waiting for her to come when she is ready. Even if it kills me in the process, I will give her anything she wants.

Since we won’t be living together, she might never talk about episodes with me. I need her to trust me so I’m the first person to know when they occur. Today’s events shocked her more than her rage episode a few months ago.

Chapter 23

Woven Net of Oaths


Something is really wrong with me. I can no longer ignore the fact that I have those visions bleeding into my life. During the quiet trip back home, I’ve tried to compartmentalize all that happened today. At least our twins, enthralled by the night traffic and lights, are silent.

Me: Hi, can we meet tomorrow. Something happened, need to talk ASAP.

Dr. Neil: Come to my office at 10am.

Hopefully, she will help. I’m losing control. I’ve started to doubt the process, dreading my kids might become victims of my mental condition.

This is becoming too dangerous to the people around me. If Logan moves out, how can I be sure the twins will be safe? My nightmares leave me drained for the rest of the day and the panic attacks melt away my control. A lone tear runs down my cheek, and I wonder how long it will be before I break. I love my beautiful children, they are my light, but I am too unsafe.

The therapist will have to tell me the diagnosis. It’s time for me to face the truth, whatever it might be. They deserve to be happy and safe. I just need to be brave enough to make a choice, and this decision might save us in return.

I must attempt this journey on my own. Once I drop the shields, perhaps I will reemerge from this mental maze, successful. Not at the price of their safety, though. A real plan’s forming in my mind. Sometimes, a strong woman makes life-changing choices for the family’s well-being.

Once I make up my mind about our future, I turn to Logan and catch him looking at me with an intensity that makes my body zing. His intentions are written all over his face. “Tonight, I will demand you give me an answer. Be ready, Angel. I am done waiting.”

He is primed to fight for my body, as I am for my soul and heart. This will be a fascinating battle of wills. Even if I don't emerge whole, I still have to carry out my plan.

Question is, who will win? A guardian dragon or a mouse breathing fire? I really don’t know, but I’m willing to give him this night, not doubting he’ll bind us, demanding me surrender my trust to him. The spider net I must weave around him will have to work.
