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My eyebrows raise in surprise that he even wants to go near it. “You do know what awaits you, right?”

Lucas furrows his eyebrows as he doesn’t get my reaction. O.M.G. I need to see this. I’ll probably take a few videos while I’m at it. Since Leon is almost done eating, I give him the green light to go ahead.

At the changing table, unfastening Liane’s nappy, he freezes in place. I start to chuckle to myself, making Leon very unhappy that I disturbed his blissful sleep. I place him on the cot and quickly grab my cell phone to record it.

“So, Uncle, show us how you’ll deal with this warfare, please.” I cackle as he turns around, looking a little bit lost.

“What do I do?” His eyes start to water because of the smelly poo. Nevertheless, because I feel a little bit sorry for him, I instruct him to use wet tissues to clean her bum. I also tell him how to fasten the nappies. Actually, he has few stains on his face and forehead that makes it even more hilarious.

My daughter doesn’t fare better because I see her clothes soiled in the process, and she still smells. “You did great, but we still need to bathe her.” I hide the snicker behind my palm as I go to the bathroom to fill the sink with water.

“Lucas, bring her in!” Minutes later, he brings Liane and she starts to play, giving us the happiest beam ever.

“At least she isn’t offended that I changed her.”

“You should do it more often.” I can’t help grinning at his expression. “You should wash as well. You got few war stains left on you.”

He looks in the mirror with an amused smirk. “You did this on purpose.”

I nod as I tell him about Leif’s experience in the battle with soiled nappies.

“There was the time that they had this explosive diarrhea, and Leif tried to change them. He got shot with poo in the process. You should have seen his face as it was painted with the turmeric color liquid…” We both cackle at the vision. “Next day, he came with the mask and plastic suit. Leif went to change them as if he was going to combat a military machine gun.”

I couldn’t help but take a few photos of Lucas who, with his calm and very gritty personality, tries to conquer Liane’s little heart. She is so tired when we are done that she falls asleep in my arms instantly. I gently kiss her head, setting her to sleep on the cot next to her softly snoring brother.


Of course, the sisters got very upset when I asked them to go to the therapy clinic again. Raine started to cry as I tried to explain the situation, and Aisha became very defensive.

“I don’t need anyone telling me how wrong we’ve been. We know!”

“I want to stay and help her. Alone, she might enact the shields before we can stop her. Besides, I love her grouchy company. Anyways, she is a great cook, and doesn’t call me every hour with demands to tell her where I am,” Leif announces.

“I thought you didn’t like her?” I needed to ask to make sure he’s not staying just to take a pound from her flesh.

“Relax, brother. I didn’t know her back then. Now I do. She has many issues, but her heart is in the right place. Honestly, I think she is good for you. After she works out her trauma shit, you will be the one working to be worthy of her.”

My brother makes me grin with his optimistic forecast. I should have seen it coming. Since I found him in her bedroom, he was there not to make a shitty move on her, but to apologize and probably ask for help to mend our relationship.

Since he was helping her to look after the twins while I was away on business, I forgave him. At first, I thought maybe he didn’t trust Cassandra with the kids because of her issues. But now I’m sure she has conquered his wild spirit.

The sisters are another factor that make him more settled. Leif plays this nonstop war game, causing him to get into hot water with the Night clan relatively often. Relentless banter and teasing make this home come alive with mischief and naughty retaliations.

“Dad, I want you to make arrangements for our trip back to America. I have to take care of few things here before I leave. Probably in few weeks’ time, we might be able to leave the UK.”

“You made the right decision, son. She will be all right. Cassandra is a rather resilient woman.”

Hearing my father trying to appease me, I feel that I need to make my position very clear to her. Will she be able to handle losing me, and give consent for us leave?

We all turn towards the stairs as we hear Lucas and Cassandra. It’s time to revel in being together before we part. “Are they asleep?” I ask.

“Yes. Lucas got christened into the family, though. Liane was his guinea pig for learning the ropes.” She shows us the videos and photos she recorded on the cell phone, and I notice Lucas has a very uncommon grin on his face.

“If it would make you feel better, I can show you Leif’s battle with the twins’ diarrhea?” Before Cassandra can find the vide

o, Leif jumps up and takes the phone away from her, causing both sisters to get involved in saving the incriminating evidence.

“Here, take this.”
