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Reconnecting Bonds


Snuggled into Logan’s chest, we sit on the carpet next to the industrial coffee table. The mesmerizing flames dance in the glass-framed fireplace, and his lips brush my neck. The sense of connection pulses between us like an electric cord.

We didn’t sleep long, as he woke me up with his mouth between my legs in a sensual request to come. Exquisite carnal pleasure like decadent honey spread through my limbs to my core, tightening the walls, making my body arch and hands grip his hair. His demanding mouth indulged in me, and I came with the scream trapped in my throat.

The decadent treat wasn’t enough, as Logan’s fingers plunged into my wet, slick heat, making me cry out. Pumping them in out, he started to build me up as his mouth softly enclosed my pulsing oversensitive clit, suckling gently.

“Come here, my little mouse,” Logan challenges me after I come back from the shower. “Come closer, I won’t bite.”

I do, sashaying my hips towards him. Seducing. Before he can grab me, I slip from his hand, jumping on the bed and grinning. He groans, and I know he is determined to trap me underneath him.

“Last time I checked, my command is the law tonight,” he says with a very slow grin, daring me to deny him. “I’ll count from five to one. If you are not in my arms…I will take you as a consolation prize.”

Overconfident much? Who said I’ll want to sleep with you, buddy!

“Five…” My attention snaps to his amused eyes.

“Four…” My heartbeat becomes erratic.

“Three…” What do I do? I look around, only to find no answers as my body becomes hot and primed for the flight or fight.

“Two…” If I run, he will chase me and bring me to my knees, or over one, in return.

“One…” I have no time to think as I propel myself forward, jumping into his arms and colliding with his chest in an astounding whoosh.

A pleased cackle irritates my ears as my heart now hammers in my chest because of the chase. Traitor!

Warm breath on my skin returns me from the memories of this morning.

“Still mad?” He knows the answer, but the man’s ego needs to be stroked.

“Nope.” I grin as I sip my coffee. Our children are playing next to us with their small piano and drum set. We changed to a barely audible mode to keep our sanity intact.

We decide to go for a walk, as the morning promises to be bright and warm. Grabbing the kids, we walk outside, heading to our usual spot by the lake. On the bench, we snuggle in warm blankets.

“They have grown a lot in these few months.” Logan kisses my forehead as both twins watch sing-along nursery rhymes on his phone. “How is your treatment going?”

I tell him about what I’ve done so far. “I started to write a diary a month ago.”

“That’s great. Are you using it during therapy?” He seems very intrigued by my writing, so I go a little more into detail.

“It helps me to come to terms with the loss. To be honest, I write about my dreams and memories.” His hand coils in my hair, the other cupping my face, and he brings my faraway look back to his.

“I would love to read it, Cassandra. I know it is private work and heartbreaking, but perhaps I would understand you better.”

The thought of him reading it makes my insides turn and twist. Fisting my hands into tight balls, I dig my nail into my palms, trying to contain my worry. Trepidation builds in my chest, and my heart beats with increasing tempo, my eyesight becoming blurry.

“Cassandra, breathe, love. Look at me. I just wanted you to know that every memory is important to me, as it is to you. I want to be part of your life.”

“It is a very personal story. I’ve never considered the fact that someone else could be reading it.” I look at him with my emotional pale blue eyes, trying to make him understand my reluctance.

“Consider this, Night. I adore you, with all your faults and strengths. Let me love all your darkness and light.” I kiss our boy’s head to calm myself down. His words slay me and heal at the same time.

Our kids grow bored, so we gather them up and walk back home, where everyone should be up and hungry. Our amused laughs echo as we walk through the garden, and the twins are thrilled to see their grandparents on the porch, with coffees in hand.

“Good morning!” I shout out as we near them.
