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I open my heavy lids.

Helplessly, I watch his wild green eyes, promising me everything and anything I want. I smile, silently telling him, “I love you.”

I fade again.

The winter chill invades my bones.

I can’t make sense of his frozen expression. Something is not right with me. The tears of excruciating pain reflected in his gaze squeeze my chest. My lips feel numb, unable to make a sound. His lips are painted blood red, his face is distorted. Broken.

I fade.

I wake up.

I smile, needing him to understand it will be all right. I love him with all my heart and soul. Before I can profess my feelings, my eyesight fractures for a moment and two shadows appear.

I blink. My beloved boys. They are here.

Ethan gives a toy car to me and kisses my

forehead, giggling. But Nate watches the distressed man next to me, squeezing my hand, trying to get me to wake up.

He shakes his head, and disappointed, looks back at me. I let out a desperate wail of pain, seeing my boy sorrowfully looking down at me. Nate picks up the car and gives it back to Ethan, then takes Ethan by the hand, leading him away from us. They are not coming back.

Why are they leaving? No, please don’t go!

Frantically, I try to lift myself to stop them, but I can’t. I am stuck. My limbs aren’t moving. Bleeding. Logan’s face is as if frozen in limbo, with red tears stuck on his twisted features. Nothing makes sense. Even my uttered name disappears into nothingness, steeling his breath from his trembling lips.

The agony is excruciating, as if every bone in my body has been broken.

His hands brush my torn skin, and as I look at him, my vision starts to fade. The flashing light makes me slip away into the darkness.

Somebody lifts me, and I begin to soar into oblivion. Only whispers keep me grounded. I want to escape this soul-crushing pain invading my slumber.

I feel my body incapacitated from the freezing cold, and the heart in my chest stands still, a chilling power gripping me.

The last heartbeats sound in my chest until they stop.

The rhythm of life ceases. Then restarts again.

Beep… Beep… Beep… Whoosh…

Beep… Beep… Beep… Whoosh…

Chapter 16

In between


The beeping sound rouses me from the comfortable slumber. I try to lift my hands, but they are too heavy. They are locked in place. I pull my legs into my chest as I lay on my side, waiting for my eyes to open. Am I safe? I slip again, deeper into the dark, not comprehending the meaning of my sterile surroundings.

“Mummy!” The scream from upstairs disturbs my reading as my palpitating heart launches me to action.

I run upstairs, shouting, “What’s wrong,” but no one answers me.

I find them crying. As soon as my son sees me, he runs into my embrace, crying, “Mummy, don’t let me die, please!” He is horrified, only five years old.

My hands wrap around Nate’s head as I press him into me, and I notice Arianna hiding underneath the bed.
