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An uncontrollable shiver runs down my spine, and my blood freezes in awareness.

“Logan…tell me what’s wrong?” I come closer. His green eyes look at me, asking for forgiveness. No!

“I will find you,” I vow, trying to rekindle hope in his wild eyes. “I will come back to you, I promise.”

He grasps my arms, shaking me slightly. “How, if you’re lost here, love? You don’t see the truth in front of your blue eyes.” He strokes my face, as deep regret shines in his, making me lightheaded.

I shake my head, trying to deny it. “I won’t give up. I will fight, Logan.” I watch his dark gaze full of secrets penetrating my soul, encasing me in ice. I cannot grasp the meaning of their desolation, pouring out in waves.

We remove our skates and he brings me to the highest point of the hill, where we both sit in the snow, hidden in the foliage. The burning beauty is trapped underneath the ice and I watch the darkening sky, waiting for him to speak.


He exhales heavy breaths, and lifts his hand, pointing into the ice-covered lake.

I am about to protest that I don’t understand, but then the darkness shrouds us and the lake begins to shine from within. The life reflected behind the mirror surface causes the ripples to form as the world hidden underneath the icy surface reveals the truth. Down below, two people dance to the muffled music of a violin and piano.

“Look closer, don’t miss any details,” he whispers in my ear, as a delicious shiver runs down my neck. Briefly closing my eyes, I open them again to take in the scene below us. Fluttering wings of butterflies reside in my stomach.

In the living room, the most comforting sound of a burning fire provides the intimacy. We are both in jeans and dark green sweaters, our feet are bare, and we sit, looking at each other. Incapable of resisting, I grab him, kissing as I straddle his waist, wrapping my legs around his backside, and I am overcome with need. His pleased chuckles reach my ears, the electric feeling urging my heart to dance.

Hungry for more, we both moan and groan as the soft light from the fireplace dances on our skin.

“Wait, my love, I have plans for us. Different plans.” He laughs at my displeased expression, but tries to hide it behind his fist.

Only his smiling eyes betray that he is thrilled with my eagerness not to fight my desire. That infectious smile makes me want to tease his own need to follow through as I can feel him hard and ready, pressed against me. I move, playfully brushing his crotch, and a torturous groan escapes his mouth.

“You sure?” I ask him coyly, trying not to laugh at his hesitant expression.

“You play dirty,” he tells me, as he gathers his wits with a few controlled breaths.

Deliberately, he places me on the coffee table, further away, telling me to stay still and silent. He stands up and steps back a few feet, giving him some space.

From the wooden box, he pulls out an old-looking paper wrapped in leather. Presumably, there are handwritten wo

rds for me. Fascinated, I watch his muscular frame, illuminated by the soft glow, and his incredibly beautiful eyes glisten. I pull one leg up towards my chest, resting my chin as I observe him.

He clears his throat, and before he starts to read, he locks his eyes with me one last time. I raise my head in response to his earnest demeanor. His pulse jumps on his neck, like a bird thrashing, trying to escape its bounds.

“My beloved heart…”

At his first words, my heart soars, hammering with both joy and fear at the same time. This is my first love letter from the man who surrendered his soul to me.

“My most valuable possession is the heart I found beating in your chest. Its rhythm changed the course of my life forever. I felt the first boom, as it was the first time it began to live.

“Perhaps I have claimed your body, but you claimed my soul, Angel.

“The sense of contentment and happiness filled my soul as I held you in my arms that first night. I was filled with purpose. Where you perceive your weaknesses, I see only strengths. Where you see darkness, I see the light.

I wish to teach you to forgive, my love. I want to be your salvation.

Cassandra, will you marry me?”

Abruptly, I stand up, unable to watch anymore. The agonizing thrashing organ in my chest propels my legs to get away. The stabbing knife twists, plunging into me.

Disorientated, I push away from the man I love and run on bare feet as far as I can, not knowing why. No, no, no! I run like my feet are on fire, away from the awful truths, apart from the cruel faiths.

I reach the valley of blue and yellow flowers frozen in ice, and fall to my knees. The merciless vindictive ways of life play our hearts and souls with a mocking beauty. My whimpers turn into wails as the crystal glass cuts into my hands, drawing blood.
