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Just a moment later, his masculine hands envelop me, and I bawl until it hurts to breathe. Logan takes my injured palms, kissing the wounds, and holds my shivering, frail body.

Desperate for him, I grab his face to reassure myself of his presence. Like a woman dying of thirst, I kiss his lips, drinking the essence. The key, like an icicle hanging between my breasts, reminds me of the promise. The words form on my lips as I breathe them out into his mouth. “Until death do us part.”

Dread encases my spine. Why is my love looking at me with sorrow hidden underneath the smile? What are you hiding? I try to figure him out, but fail as my heart beats in time with some sort of desolation etched into my tired muscles.

Beep… Beep… Beep… Whoosh… Beep… Beep… Beep… Whoosh…

The sound distracts from the truth, the deceitful mask my love wears to trick me. The snowflakes affected by the rhythm scatter and dance, as if some sort of presence wields their magical pattern. The sequence is so unnerving and the dreadful feeling continues to churn in my guts. The resonant screeching disturbs my train of thoughts and peaceful ambience.

What on earth is this? Logan’s handsome face twists in alarm, his features looking sharp with worry, raising the hair on my nape. He steps forwards, leaving me behind, looking for the threat.

“Logan?” My heart responds to his alert stance. I move a little bit to the side so I can better see what’s to come.

The silver car appears out of nowhere, swaying and turning, as if it has lost control, and is heading straight for us.

“Run! Run, Night!” I turn around and run through the valley, nearly falling into the frozen lake beneath me, but at the last second, Logan catches my arm. The car plummets to the iced lake, shattering its frozen beauty, awakening nature.

The ice kingdom splinters into minuscule pieces. The trees come alive and start to move, rustling their leaves and exhaling relieved breaths. The grip is slipping. I turn my head to look at him. And then I fall.

An incredibly powerful current shoves me down under. The moment my body submerges in the pond, I feel disorientated, shocked by the cold water. I desperately try to get to the surface, but the force of the current drags me back, vigorously battering my body and keeping me under. With some effort, I’m finally able to force myself to float.

Debris is falling from the sky into the water, like bullets shooting at the hidden beauty, disturbing the unobstructed view. The falling rocks hit me on the head and darkness overcomes my vision. Then light returns.

Bewildered, I watch the necklace floating in front of my eyes, as if it is a weightless artifact. Startled, I realize that it was torn from my neck as I fell. I raise my hands to catch it, but it slips through my fingers. I try again and again, but the crystal key escapes my grip. I float towards it, until I appear next to the fallen car.

I push towards the bottom and grab the key, then take a closer look at the car. The front of the vehicle is majorly dented, but the windows at the back passenger seat are still intact. With the crystal key in my hand, I look through the glass and see them. My heart responds, welcoming her children.

My boys, dressed in white and playing with the blue car, are laughing and carefree. I knock on the window, panicking that they might drown. Excited boys look up at me and wave. They’re happy.

They make faces, trying to make me laugh, and happiness shines in their young eyes. No pain, no fear, just peace and glee. My chest grows tight, missing them as I greedily watch them play at the bottom of the lake.

Tears gather at the corners of my eyes, as the water crystals in space float away towards the surface, allowing my heart to release the weight it carried for so long. All the memories come to me with such bittersweet taste.

I let them all in, lifting the walls and discarding shields that protected my heart for so long. I feel free. I allow the agony and pain to entwine in my heart. Finally, their hearts beat next to mine, nestled safely in my chest. I am whole again. I lift my head to find Sandra next to me.

Defenseless against the inevitable, I begin to feel her substance merging. I struggle, trying to reject it, but the weight of both her life and mine drags me like an anchor to the bottom of the lake. I begin to feel my lungs running out of air as I choke on her pain.

Before I drown in painful spasms, familiar hands grab me, turning me around, and I’m propelled towards the man I love. The world around me disappears as his lips fill me up with his life. We begin to rise from the depths of the water.

Something obstructs our getaway. I look down and see that red and blue threads tied to my leg are fixed somewhere below, preventing our rise.

Sandra appears in our sight. There is a sharp shard in her hands, and she looks at us with regret etched on her face. Why? He nods.

Grabbing the blue thread that holds my leg, she presses the icy shard against it, and cuts it until it breaks free. She looks at me with an apologetic look, and then cuts the red one as well.

Snap! Ache. Hollowness. The agony’s pulsating through me in waves. I can’t distinguish my feelings that are too familiar to me fast enough, but Logan gives me no time to comprehend the signs. I am pulled towards the surface, and watch as Sandra’s ghost stays with Ethan and Nate. She waves goodbye to me.

Finally, we gulp for air. Logan helps me out of the water to the shore, where we shudder and shake in the cold. Looking at me with fear in his eyes, he draws me to his chest.

“Logan, I’m ok,” I try to assure him, as he looks at me with despair, and his eyes fill up with tears. I don’t understand. So, I pull him to me and claim his mouth, telling him without words that everything will be ok. I pour everything into this kiss, waking up his heart to beat again for us.

We sit there for a moment, watching each other, our foreheads pressed together. Even the peaceful nature doesn’t dare intrude on us.

“We must find shelter.” My dirty dress is wet, and drags on the ground behind. “Logan, I think I know this place.”

Appreciating the man I love, I stare at his jaw that now has longer stubble. He is worried. The intense need to be held by him overwhelms me.

Walking beside me, he asks, “Where to?”
