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“You’re amazing, you know that, right? I wish I’d have been there to see it.” Leif pisses me off with his constant teasing. This will give him more ammo to hold against me.

“I believe it wasn’t so bad, if you two made such beautiful children in the process.” Logan’s dad is trying to soothe the situation with a gentle smile gracing his lips. Aha.

“Of course, old man, because that was just foreplay, as later, they b—” But he doesn’t get to finish, as he’s elbowed by Raine and Aisha, who are caging him on both sides.

“That was unnecessary, you two are terrorists! One day, I’ll get you tied up, and I’ll teach you good manners.” He rubs his chest with a glint of naughtiness. “I was born in a free country, where we have a free voice and the right to speak.”

“Well, we were born in a country where you keep your tongue shut and mind your own business. Unless… you want your manhood in a cast,” Aisha challenges him. I stand up to take the plates and assemble dessert in the kitchen, and Logan follows close behind.

“You ok with my dad being here? If I had known, I would have let you decide if you wanted this to happen or not.” Logan’s concern is very touching. It also makes me embarrassed about the fact that we are going to gang up on him about leaving me behind and taking off with his dad and Leif to California.

“He loves you a lot, Logan. I thought it was time to broaden their horizons and let our children meet their grandpa.” The suspicion clings to him as he scrutinizes me.

“Do you want to tell me what is going on?” he whispers, moving closer and winding his hands around my waist. My heartbeat quickens as I lock my gaze on his tempting mouth.

“You both need help in there, or you baking a few more twins in the oven?” Raine hollers.

Our family is annoying. We gather all the dessert plates and carry them back to the dining area.

“I see your home is full of excitement.”

“Unfortunately, it is, Darren.”

“The dinner was amazing, Cassandra. Thank you for inviting me in.”

Logan squirms in his chair at his father’s comment, as if sensing something is off. The air’s getting tense with suspicion and unease.

“You’re welcome, Darren. It is terrific to finally meet you.” I force a smile.

Before the twins’ bedtime, Darren makes sure to give his grandkids kisses on their heads, promising them more fun the next day. My sisters help me settle the twins in bed and from the serious looks on their faces, I know they’re going to pester me.

“Something is going on, isn’t it? Darren’s here not just for a visit, is he? Tell us, Cassandra, we want to know.” I take few deep breaths to settle down.

After I tuck the kids in their beds, we go to my room. Through the window, I watch the darkening sky on the horizon as I try to find the right words.

“I want Logan to go back to the States.”

“You don’t want him here with you? I thought you were both hot and heavy between the sheets. What is going on?” Aisha’s face twists in confusion.

“A few days ago, I had an episode. I jumped into the busy street and almost got hit by a car. If not for Logan, I…” My eyes fill up with tears as I try to tell them the hardest part. “I want him to take the twins with him.”

My sisters gasp, and I close my eyes so I won’t see the judgment etched on their horrified faces.

“You want me to do what?” Logan’s shocked voice vibrates through me from the doorway. “You can’t be serious. I won’t do it. My kids are not going to be without their mother. I thought we made progress. You told me you loved me, I thought…” Green eyes fill with hurt as he turns to leave. His shoulders are hunched and palms fisted at his sides, as he casts a disappointed gaze over his shoulder.

“Logan!” I sprint after him, and my sisters follow behind. “Logan, wait, let me explain!”

Logan’s stride is determined and angry, but he stops and turns his stony green gaze on me, and it nails me to the floor.

“Explain to me, how two deeply caring people can’t make this family work? If you love me, why the hell can’t we try to live like a couple? Why, every time I get close, must yo

u find a way to separate us again?”

“You saw what happened! Don’t you wonder if I am safe to be around, Logan? What would happen if, next time you’re at work, or when I take them to preschool? What if I were to wake up from the daze to find both of their helpless bodies splattered on the concrete?” I shake in fear, imagining this scenario. Darren and Leif are getting closer, as if sensing the storm about to tear us apart.

“We made a deal, Logan. One night in exchange for one year. I’m asking you to take our kids. You can’t leave them with me. I could hurt them. Please, try to understand. They are still too little to know what is happening. It’s not normal for their mother to tear their home apart, and jump in the street like a lunatic. They will never feel safe with me. Do you know what mark it will leave on them? I need to learn to cope with this.”

“I want to help you. Be there for you…” He holds his head as he tries to figure this one out.

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