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“You need to trust me to figure it out on my own.”

Anguish flows through my bloodstream as the responsibility of finding a way out of my nightmares weighs me down. I realize how much I counted on this man to deal with my issues. He feels betrayed by the spider who wove the net around him, then left him no choice but to surrender. There is no way to get out.

“You demand me take them away from our home, stealing this precious time with you.” He shakes his head, raven-colored hair falling all over his face. “Perhaps you have to have faith in me, Angel, and let me help to keep you, and them, safe.”

“Son, you should listen. Cassandra has a point.” Darren puts his hand on the hunched shoulder, trying to comfort his disappointed son.

“What do you know, Dad, about what is going on?” Logan shakes off his hand and steps away from him, hurt.

“Maybe more than you know. Let Cassandra have space to process all her issues. I doubt that it’s an easy decision to leave your kids even with you, for a such long time. She wants to heal, Logan, you should help her however she needs it.”

“I can’t stay here. I need to get out.” Grabbing his car keys, he shakes his head in disbelief. Before he leaves, his wounded gaze finds mine, blaming me for this deception.

“Logan…” I utter, but he turns and walks away from me.

My sisters envelop me in their embrace, attempting to calm me down as all the pent-up emotions rip through me when he leaves. I don’t remember how I got to the couch. I am lost in my head, recalling his hurtful expression that is slowly killing me.

“Sweetheart, look at me.” Logan’s father decides to take things into his own hands. “The chamomile tea might help to calm you down. Logan also needs time to process everything.”

I look up, trying not to offend the man, and take the cup from him with shaking hands. It helps to stop the tears, but it doesn’t get rid of the sadness etched inside me.

Afterward, numb and cold, I watch the spot in front of me, as though even the smallest wind could tear me apart if I move. The loneliness is oppressive.

Leif parks himself next to me. “Why did you never mention that you love him?” I look at him, trying to guess what he means. “It’s not only the kids you care about. It’s also him. The thought of separation is tearing you to pieces.”

I merely nod my head. Everything is so dull, and I try to remember why I’m doing this to us.

“He worked hard for this relationship. It’s time for me to do the same. He deserves to have it all, Leif. I have to get ahold of my life to have a chance to offer him something in return. To be with him is not hard—it’s comforting and amazing. I want to be able to love him the way he deserves, not just take and use him.”

“For what it’s worth, I agree with you, firecracker. Just know that you have us, whether you want to or not. Besides, Logan will resist this separation. Prepare yourself, because he wins every contest. You are probably the only person in the whole world resisting him. He is definitely learning to endure the failure of his ways, and learning to lose to get what he wants.”

His hand brushes my hair away from my face. Teasing Leif is gone, and in his place sits a man who gives me advice.

When Logan returns, we will make this deal final. Hopefully, we will be able to retain our friendship, and he won’t become bitter, trying to keep our children from me.

Chapter 4

Tangled threads


At a bar in London, I pour drink after drink, trying to ease the pain. The dark green and grey interior, with dark wood furniture and vintage lighting, reflect my mood. My eyes latch on the silently playing TV that I don’t really see. Instead, I’m thinking about her. Why is she trying to escape instead of turning to me for help?

I thought she was broken, I thought she was hurt and wounded. Now, I ask myself if she is the most resilient person I’ve ever encountered. Those intense feelings don’t affect her the same way as me. I am filled with her voice, eyes, and taste, with no chance to escape.

What I am going to do?

The bar’s so packed I can barely hear my thoughts over their chatter and laughter. I watch the couple across the bar get it on, as if they’re the only people on earth. When did this happen to me? I don’t find enjoyment in one-night stands any longer, or seeking the warmth of a random woman.

She stormed into my life and changed it. I jumped at the chance to make this work, throwing everything at it. But there is a slippery slope, with twists and turns, yet no foundation for trust.

I thought, during that night of passion, we both surrendered our hearts. I’ve tried to show her I am capable of withstanding her pain, hoping she’ll finally allow me to take care of them all. Why is it not enough? I have to face the truth she doesn’t love me the way I do her. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be running from me, right?

I tilt my face towards the woman who sits next to me in her black, low-cut dress, giving me a look. Fuck it.

I go to make my move, but find myself hesitating. For whatever reason, I can’t bring myself to fall into the arms of another woman. I just can’t do that to Cassandra, no matter how infuriating she can be.

In the next breath, I see my father in my face.
