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When a van pulls up, and he tosses me in, I yelp in pain, landing on my wrists at an odd angle. Before I can ask where my kids are, someone grabs me from behind and sticks a sharp needle in my neck so fast, I have no time to grasp what’s happening. My vision blurs, and my movements become sluggish. Even if I try to fight the haze, it takes me under. Thoughts slip through my fingers like sand, and it all goes blank.


The blades of the chopper slice the air, pulling and tugging at the trees and grass as I watch it land. This is it! My heart palpitates, uneasy about how much time we’ve spent, raising funds and negotiating with Lester. How much time he had them alone?

The thought of my beloved woman and her innocent kids being abused or degraded by that fucker is tearing my sanity apart. The sickening dread coils my guts, then I think about them in pain or worse. Fuck, how did I not see this coming? This is all my fault!

I try to focus on the fact I’m going to end this nightmare soon. Otherwise, if I let myself go there . . . I might crumble. Cassandra needs me to keep it together.

Hang in there, Lovebird. I’m coming to get you.

Since we found out they were abducted, all hell broke loose. My men were combing for them everywhere. I almost lost my damn fucking mind. But twenty-four hours later, Darren received a call. All the color drained from his face and then he spoke those three choked up words, “Don’t hurt them.”

I knew he was speaking with the bastard who has them. And it was a no-brainer to figure out who it was.

Darren tried to convince me not to get involved and leave everything to him. But I couldn’t. It felt wrong to just sit there and wait. My guts told me to do something. So, I contacted Lester myself, doubting Darren’s good intentions. I needed to know what the pervert wants. Fucker goaded me at first, but then he told me the deal’s going to cover only the kids, not her. I knew Lester did this on purpose. To get me. And it worked.

Hoping she’ll never have to live through the nightmares like I did, I bargained myself for her freedom. I don’t need it, not i

f the price is her broken soul.

When I realized Darren’s struggling to raise money, I took the initiative to help. I collapsed my businesses, sold my stocks and shares. I would have sold my soul to a monster just to bring them back. But the rescue mission still got delayed.

What the fuck are they waiting for?

Five damn long days!

Dammit! I should have protected them better. I knew what kind of monster Lester is. And he knew that this woman is my ultimate weakness. I won’t be able to live without her.

My bird became more than just obsession. More than the air I need to breathe or a warm body in my bed. Cassandra painted my bleak world with colors, soothed my wounds. And loved me like no one else in this world did. Perhaps she was right about how perilous loving her is. But I don’t regret a single moment with her. I just wish we had more time.

It was easier than I thought to give up my business and money to save her. If I just get a chance to destroy him, I would end his life with my bare hands . . . So he would never touch them again. A wave of dread loosens in my chest and I start to vibrate, realizing I need to kill him. Or all of this is for nothing.

“You should eat something. It’ll be a long trip. You’ll need your strength.”

I pivot around to look at Helen as if she’s a stranger.

How can she be this calm?

Not a single tear or strand of hair to show her worry for her family. Dressed like she’s going on vacation, not to retrieve her grandkids from the monster, not to sacrifice their mother, not to ruin their lives. In pristine white clothes and bright red lipstick, she’s a flawless lie, hiding all the filth behind a perfect façade.

Irritation smolders like coals inside of me, but I hold it in, knowing I might need it to survive our looming downfall. Because I know Lester will try to screw me over.

“Food isn’t on my mind right now,” I tell her coldly and look away.

“I know, Mark, but everything will be okay.” Her hand squeezes my stiff shoulder. The uncomfortable weight of her touch is burning through my clothes. “We love you like our own son. We will protect you.”

Her treacherous words like poison snake into me. I longed to hear this all my life. Back then, I was young, she had the power to heal me, but she chose not to. I’m not her child, just a keeper of life that doesn’t belong to me.

“Mark.” Her words die on her bright red lips as I step away from her. It doesn’t matter anymore. Her need to fill her empty soul. Or mine. We ran out of time.

“Just get them out,” I state, sensing something isn’t adding up. “I’ll be back in a minute.” I walk farther away, pulling out my phone. I dial the number one more time. I left five messages already and got no response so far. Lucas is abroad on a mission and won’t be available for almost seven weeks. That’s what the military operator told me. Helpless terror crushes my hope to dust.

“Luc, it’s me, Mark.” I swallow my emotions. “Cassandra and her kids have been kidnapped. Lester has them.” I pause, not knowing how much info to leave for him and if it’ll ever reach him on time. “I don’t think I’ll see you around, my brother. Just know we’re doing everything to get them back. Take care of them for me, will you?” I disconnect the call.

“It’s time.” Darren’s grave voice reaches me from behind. “Funds will be ready for transfer as soon as we touch the ground. We’re ready to take off.”

