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“Trust me, you don’t want to get close to my haunting past. Some things must never see the light,” I finally finish, enacting a barrier between us.

The light illuminates the space as if negating my declaration, and the air conditioning system starts to hum as the electricity comes back up. We part, listening to someone working in an elevator shaft above us. Silence stretches between us as Cassandra thinks about what I said. I straighten my shirt and pull over the jacket, watching her shift on her feet as if she wants to say something.

“Are you uncomfortable to be around me?”

She crosses her arms over her chest and leans against the panel.

“Have I scared you?”

Huffing, she collects her raincoat and bag, ignoring me for a moment.

But then she straightens and looks at me. “Do you think I shouldn’t be?”

“I told you the truth. My past is far too disturbing. You have enough wounds of your own to bother with mine. You should keep away from me. I’m not the man you want to get to know.”

“Why not?” Cassandra steps closer, her vivid beauty captivating me. “Are you going to hurt me?” Her face is a mask of fury ready to do damage if needed. Her eyes like dark pits lock on me, daring me to misstep. I realize I might have underestimated her. “Your past can only hurt me if you allow it. And by the way you take charge of your emotions, I doubt you will. Your demons will choke to death before ever touching me.”

That makes my chest expand with pride that she believes I’m a better man than I am. Before I can respond, the doors open and technicians let us out. We take the stairs just in case the elevator will get stuck again. Her brisk stride echoes like angry shots as I silently trace after her, not knowing if she has a way to go back home.

“Cassandra, wait. Let me take you home.”

She stops at the lobby entrance, turning to look at me with that deep gaze, reaching far into my own.

“You know, you’re full of yourself, Mr. Lawson. Do you think I’m a brainless idiot to sit in the same car as you? Not after you made sure I know where the boundaries are. Have a nice evening, Mark. See you tomorrow in the daylight. Bring your better self to work. Perhaps your vampire side could get some rest in your coffin tonight,” she mutters, turning around and marching into the night like fury in heels.


I pull out my cell, watching her hips sway from side to side as I dial Higgins. “Is she covered?”

“Yes, sir, she is.”

“Good.” And I disconnect the call, chuckling at her vampire reference and passionate response to my attempt to push her away. I don’t know if I want her angrier or more compliant. Both options seem very appealing right now.

Why do I think she just changed the entire game for me? I don’t know if she realizes, but her vivid spirit’s calling me like a siren’s song from the ocean. I hope I won’t drown to death like a sailor before I have a chance to taste her lips and save us both.




After I got home, I had to find something to do and steer me away from my racing mind. Cooking with my kids is a perfect distraction from work. But my pulse isn’t settling, even now, as I think about the conversation with Mark. About the alluring energy stirring between us whenever he gets close. I don’t know what I’m going to do about this.

It would be much easier to dismiss him if I hadn’t seen deep understanding etched in his intelligent gaze. My defenses melted a little as he admitted he couldn’t stand to watch me in pain. I was astounded he saw my traumas beyond my perfect façade. Not many people do, not after Helen Cade whipped me into a fake copy of herself and media filled the gaps about my character. No one sees me as a person anymore. But he did. And it was my undoing, a slip in my judgment.

It was a mistake to let him touch me, knowing magnetism like that man’s is dangerous for any woman’s sanity. Mine was shattered to pieces when he held me like I’m a precious gem in his protective embrace, and then his hands worked my muscles wit

h expert precision because he grasped the extent of my traumas. I shouldn’t have let him get this close, this personal. But I was curious, fascinated by him.

I could feel his loneliness and pain like it was my own. It beckoned me to get a little bit closer even if his warningI saw the shadow consume his gaze sent cold shivers down my spine, like phantom claws digging into my chest. His shields rose like blades to fight me, but instead of scaring me away, it drew me to him. Perhaps because talking about my family isn’t the most comfortable topic for me either, or maybe because I sensed his wounds as he felt mine.

Who are those people he’s hiding?

“Mommy, do you need salt?” Liane asks me as we both make dumplings for dinner. She loves to help me in the kitchen and by helping, I mean make a mess. Her blond hair is full of flour and her hands are sticky from the mix. But her face is bursting with joy as she kneads it.

“Yes, love, let me sprinkle some.” As I do, she tries to catch it, and her tongue peeks out to taste the grains.

“Salt isn’t sugar, love.” I laugh as she gags then tries to clean her tongue with her hand.
