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I nod, but my instincts say it’s something else.

That’s why I’ve been working on this contingency plan for almost a year. It would be good to know who’s interfering with my business, though. The Moudi family and I have a history that goes beyond work affairs. Edar Moudi was on the edge of bankruptcy. Then I approached him with the deal that saved his family’s livelihood. I built them up from scratch. It’s unlikely he’d want to hurt me.

“Check who else they’re working with. Could be they want to ditch us because someone else made a better deal and wants us out.”

Higgins nods, fully knowing such intricate maneuvers aren’t beyond people seeking to push you out of business.

“Shall I check Nero Corps’ business agendas, see if they have any interests in the Middle East too?”

“Yes, keep a sharp eye on them. Report if you find anything suspicious.”

After we cover the details about other issues, Higgins leaves me, and I exhale in relief. I rake my sweaty hair with my fingers, thinking about Cassandra’s choice to look for a job outside her family’s business. I itch to draw her closer and see if this connection that turned into slight obsession over these past four years is one-sided. Grabbing the envelope that burns a hole in my kitchen island, I spill the contents on the counter.

The first thing that catches my eye is her chestnut red hair with pinkish strands, spilling over her shoulders, and those pale blue eyes. Sadness, I want to taste. She healed after the car wreck, but some scars she wasn’t able to get rid of even with a plastic surgeon’s help.

“What are you up to, Lovebird? Why are you trying to escape your golden cage?”

She doesn’t act like Helen Cade, her pretentious mother-in-law, or like a woman who became rich, and a widow of a magnate’s son, overnight. No, this one is a mystery, full of secrets and sorrow. She wasn’t touched by the family’s dark legacy. Maybe that’s why I’m so drawn to her—because her soul has been shattered too and still shines bright like a diamond. Or, rather, ruby.

Grabbing my phone from the coffee table, I dial my partner’s number at the publishing house. “Rob. I have a favor to ask.”

His amused snicker grates on me today, but I take a calming breath and push down my irritation.

“Yeah, what do you need?” He’s more than aware of my history with this woman.

“I need you to help me hire Cassandra Cade.”

“Does she want to work for us?” he asks.

“She has no idea.”

“Be careful, Mark. Mrs. Cade is well protected by the family. They kept you away from her for four years straight. If they get a whiff you’re getting close . . .”

“They won’t.” My tone gets harsh and determined. “She’ll be in my territory by the time they figure it out.” Once she settles in the position, she won’t allow anyone to dictate her life, especially them. She has a spark and pride, or at least she used to. Stroking the smooth photo paper, I wonder what kind of woman she is now.

“Mark, as a good friend, I need to ask. Are you sure it’s a smart move?” Robert is my best friend, and we built our successful business together regardless of our rough start. He is one of the very few loyal friends I made in my life.

“It’s the only move, Rob.” I rub my chest as if the phantom ache deep from within responds to my statement. “They can’t keep her in the dark anymore. She deserves to know the truth.” I disconnect the call, knowing my friend will arrange everything so she won’t suspect a thing.

My pulse palpitates with anticipation until I can almost taste my excitement as I imagine meeting Cassandra Cade in person. I’m curious to see this woman in flesh and blood, to understand why my brother had forsaken our friendship and chosen her.




Agony is a powerful beast—unappreciated, potent, and possessive. It’s pure torment unmaking everything in its way. I have many reminders of its existence. Like my broken bones, aching whenever the weather shifts or I walk too long in high heels. Or, soul-deep agony when the memories of those I loved wash over me. It’s a constant twinge burrowed deep in my soul that could turn into a sharp blade, opening a dark abyss, too greedy to ever leave me.

Depression has become my companion since that unfortunate night when I witnessed a horrible car accident. I was a happily married woman in my twenties, living in suburbia with two beautiful boys. Life had not prepared me for this unimaginable trauma that broke me, unmade me. Pain imprisoned me.

I still remember the horror of looking at the mangled car, hearing Nate’s cries. And yet, unable to accept the reality of it all, I walked away. It was a death trap. There was so much blood, glass, and rubble. I knew no one could survive that wreckage. Even me.

Something happened to me that day. My mind, unable to cope with the truth, altered the memories, trying to protect me. I’d become someone else. A doll that barely functioned. It took me a long time to unravel the secrets my mind held from me. But when I did . . . it crushed me.

My husband, Sam, survived the crash. But our marriage didn’t. Neither of us knew how to move past this tragedy that robbed us of our children. For a long while, I allowed sorrow to drown me in despair. But then, two years later, I met him. Logan. And my world started to spin again. I thought we’d be happy . . .

My heels click on the concrete as I walk with an anxious energy fluttering in my chest. For the past four years, I tried to atone for my mistakes, mend bridges and move on. But it didn’t work. So, I looked for a new purpose that wasn’t overlaid with a toxic relationship and drama. I had enough of those to last me an eternity. This job might be it. A new beginning. A chance to start over.
