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Fascinating Bird


The scared boy’s helpless whimpers echo in the dark room and self-loathing breaches every single particle of my soul as he steps closer toward him. His baritone voice resounds, full of sadistic thrill, and my stomach coils. My heart races as hot tears stream down his hollow cheeks.

“I told you, you’re going to die here.” He throws a cold bucket of water over his battered body, burning with a fever. The boy screams as the shock zaps him, and the monster laughs.

I wake, drenched in a cold sweat, barely catching my breath as I swing a panicked glance around the room, searching for him. My pajamas stick to my body like a disgusting layer, and I want to shed off my skin.

“It was just a dream . . .” Huffing, I swing my legs out from the bed and stumble into the shower.

Nausea churns in my guts, and the nightmare clings to me as I stand under the hot stream. My body trembles, and my teeth clack together as if recalling the sensation. But as the hot water soaks me, I bind the nightmare where it belongs. In the past.

You are not there. You are okay, I tell the boy I once was. You are safe, I remind the man I am today. As a kid, I’ve seen the depravity and evil side people hide from the world. I know what they’re capable of doing when they know there are no consequences for what they indulge in.

He survived it. I survived it. But the monster is still free. And he still haunts me.

No matter how many showers I take, or how physically active I get, he’s able to drag me back into that hellhole he once kept me in. That man is a real monster. Many worship the ground he walks on. If only they knew . . .

After the shower, I pull on pants and go to pound the sandbag in my personal gym. Sweat drips down my body and my muscles burn and protest as I push myself to the limits. I don’t care, because eventually, my mind will settle down and I’ll regain control. One day, I’ll put that monster in jail and abolish his corrupt empire. One day, he’ll pay for everything. I just need to find enough proof to destroy him before he destroys me.

I stumble into the kitchen to make coffee, knowing my body will soon go into slumber mode. I’m bone-deep tired, like I could sleep for centuries and it wouldn’t be enough, but I never can. The past still haunts me. Maybe that’s why I push my body to the limits. This way I know he hasn’t defeated me. I survived him even if my heart wanted to give up on me.

While I brew myself a cup of dynamite, I let music flood the modern kitchen space to soothe my tattered soul and bring some peace to my chaotic mind. I pour creamer and sugar into my dark brew and take a seat next to the window, watching orange and pink hues lightening the sky. The ringing doorbell jerks me back from my daydreaming. Placing my coffee mug on the counter, I pull on the discarded t-shirt on the leather sofa and walk to greet my visitor.

“Coming!” By the curt ring, I know who it is. He never presses the bell more than once and waits until I answer.

At the intercom station, Higgins stands like a model of calm and control in his black suit and aviator sunglasses.

Because of his military training and discipline, I hired him a decade ago. He’s never failed to provide me with intel or maintain his professional attitude. After I realized his potential, I made Higgins the leader of my security team. I trust this man with my life and the safety of my business.

As if knowing I’m watching him, he lifts his silver head to the camera situated in the corner. “Morning, Mark.”

I let him in.

I head to the kitchen, not even bothering with niceties. I have no energy today. Besides, Higgins is not a man who loves chatting either.

“What do you have for me?” I make him a cup of black coffee, knowing he probably lives on the dark substance. He never sleeps and never rests.

“Mrs. Cade returned from America with her kids a few weeks ago. Started to look for a new job at the marketing firm where her youngest sister works, but so far, they haven’t made up their minds.”

Strange. “She isn’t going back to work at the investment bank?”

A year later, after her husband’s funeral and extensive therapies, she left the UK and moved to Italy to join her sister, Raine, because the paparazzi made her life impossible. I always thought she wanted to mend her relationship with her mother, who lived there too, and be close to her younger sister. But the situation with the media persisted, and after a year she had to leave. Cassandra Cade and her twins moved to California to live with her in-laws, hoping they would help to protect her kids.

Higgins shrugs. “We don’t know for sure. Do you want me to investigate?”

I shake my head, pondering why the Cades don’t want her close to their business after she inherited Logan’s wealth. She’s certified, sharp, and able to work with high-investment clients. So why is she walking away?

“Her twins started at a private school close to her residence, and so far, there was no outside contact from anyone but the Cades, a few work colleagues from the bank, and her neighbors.” Higgins finishes his report.

“Do you have photos?” I ask, passing his coffee to him. Higgins unbutton

s his jacket and places a yellow envelope on the countertop, taking a seat on the barstool.

“Yes,” he replies, gulping piping hot coffee, pushing the envelope toward me. “I have plenty. Take a look.”

My hands itch to look at her pictures, an unseen bond drawing me to her like a moth to the glowing light. Concentrating on the task at hand, I curb the need for now. I never explained to Higgins why I’m so obsessed with this woman, but I’m sure my head of security knows.

“Do you want me to place a security detail on her?” he carefully inquires.

“Yes, make sure she’s covered at all times.”

He nods and pulls out his smartphone, shooting a message to his team.

“Have you looked into the Middle East situation?” I ask.

“I’m still investigating. It could be just a random nuisance.”
