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“They don’t understand loss the same way we do.” She stares at the family passing by with their child in a stroller. “Until recently, we let them believe Leif is their father. We didn’t have the guts to crush them, not until rumors began to spread.”

“What happened when you did?”

Her eyes fill up with tears as she takes a seat on the bench, wrapping her raincoat tightly around herself. “They didn’t get it why their uncle can’t be their dad. But when my sister brought a little girl into the world, people started talking.” She closes her eyes, and then she opens them. “My twins felt rejected, and I think they still do.”

We head to the car I parked farther away down the street.

“Would you like to see my apartment? Have some drinks with me, watch a movie?”

I wait for her response, hoping she feels the same as I do. Like we haven’t yet finished our date, and something’s missing. “Afraid?”

Her pale eyes snap to mine. Something fierce flashes through them and she shakes her head, determined.

“Not at all. I would love to,” she finally says, and we leave in my car.

When I let her into my apartment, her heels click on the hardwood floor, and I admire her hips, swinging in the tight dress she wore for work. I close the door behind us, remembering how she tasted in my mouth, and her cries of pleasure filling my ears.

Slipping her coat off the shoulders and her bag, I grasp her delicate hand in mine and pull her with me to the love seat. We snuggle together in the dark living room illuminated by the night and city lights coming through the massive windows. Her petite form fits perfectly with mine like she was made for me, and having her in my sanctuary feels right.

“I wanted to bring you here to dream with me tonight, Cassandra. We might not be reading books and sleeping under the stars like I once did, but we might be starting our own adventure,” I whisper intimately next to her earlobe, and she sucks in a breath, fighting the sensation surging like a tsunami wave about to crash into us.

Our breaths mingle until my body pulses with the need to feel her flesh against mine and hear her moans leaving her mouth. She turns around, breathless and hungry, her hair spilling around her shoulders. Her arousal, thick in the air, makes me groan with need. I attack her mouth like a starved man, fighting for a taste.

The phone ringtone slices like a knife through the space, dissipating our haze of lust. Cassandra rises from the love seat and stumbles to answer it.

“Hello.” Her raspy voice thick with lust makes me groan and want to murder whoever is on the other side of that call.


“I was sent to pick you up, Mrs. Cade, and bring you back to your residence.”

“By whom?” My eyebrows furrow and my temples start to throb as I wait for an answer.

“By Darren Cade, ma’am.”

My face loses all the blood as I swallow a jolt of shock. How the hell does he know?

“Did you report my whereabouts to him?” Silence greets my ear, sending icy shivers up my spine. “You work for me,” I remind him, incredulous he would do that.

“I was hired by Mr. Cade, ma’am. And I report directly to him,” he replies, and it hits me. That’s why Darren hired him. To keep tabs on me. I press my back to the entrance wall next to the console table, staggered by his audacity to control me.

“And if I refuse to leave?” I hold my breath, waiting to see how far his orders go.

“I’ll have to use other means to bring you back home,” he tersely states, and I disconnect the call, unable to handle the pressure gathering between my ribs.

I almost jump out of my skin when the doorbell rings. Not wanting to make a scene, I quickly push my feet into my heels, ready to leave. Mark doesn’t need to get involved in my family dramas. We just started to date.

Before I can tell him I need to leave, Mark strolls toward me, looking worried.

“What’s wrong?”

“I have to go.” I smile at him, still unable to wrap my mind around it. They crossed the line. I could call the police, but I doubt they’ll come to help me. Unless they keep harassing me, then I could file a report. No, I need to cut to the chase and finally set them straight. This needs to end.

“My in-laws just arrived in London, and they sent the driver to pick me up.” I grab my coat from the chair I discarded it earlier and check my phone for any messages from my in-laws or my sister. But there’s nothing. Infuriated, I toss my phone back into my purse.

“How did they know where you are?” Mark asks, but my mind is somewhere else. So, he grasps my chin and lifts it until I have to look at him. “Cassandra?”

“My driver reported my location.” And I have no idea for how long he was doing just that. Mark’s face becomes sharp like a blade ready to cut. He lets out a curse under his breath.
