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Needing a moment to curb my emotions, I stroll to the window. Latching my gaze onto the trees in the garden, I try to soak up the tranquility from their hypnotic movements. Seeking something that might alleviate the threads of anxiety twisting inside my chest. I can’t lose a shred of control around them.

“I don’t need anyone telling me what to do. I’m nobody in your world, regardless if I carry your family’s name. So why are you so amped to push me around? Let everyone forget about me.”

“Because you make rash decisions like this one.”

Irritation filters through me, hearing his patronizing reply. I’m anything but spontaneous. This isn’t even about it. They simply need to punish me for the fact I survived, and their son didn’t. I’m a pawn in their hands, and they’re playing me like a rag doll on the strings. How long will I have to suffer for them to finally snap the strings and let me breathe on my own?

“This decision wasn’t rash. I was planning to change my career path for over three years since you didn’t want me working at the bank. Obviously, I’m not cutting in with my simple nature into your world of wealth and power. This job solves all the problems for us both. Look, Fading Ink is a respectable company. Why do you believe this job will hurt your business?”

“What about family legacy, have you forgotten who you are?”

A sharp gasp nips my throat, remembering his wife and me having this conversation during Logan’s first death anniversary.

“You are death. Wherever you go, demise follows.” She chugs some liquor down her painted lips as her tears flow down her cheeks in dark rivulets. “You are cursed, Cassandra. Whoever loves you dies.” She weeps, burying her face in his suit jacket, pressing a picture of him to her chest as my heart shatters in a million shards at her feet, slicing me wide-open.

“And who the hell am I?” Shaking off the memory, I twist around to face him, my eyes stinging with tears I keep locked away by sheer willpower. “Because you don’t treat me like I’m worth a thing, Darren. You’re treating me like I’m a transaction piece to secure your empire. Let’s not pretend you care about my well-being. This is your way of keeping tabs on me and controlling my every move.”

“Don’t be daft, we’re teaching you about our society. We can’t allow you to tarnish our reputation, not when you carry our name.” His gruff response makes my heart hammer against my rib cage, desperate to escape its clutches.

Darren strolls past me toward the folding glass door overlooking the garden, but not really denying my statements. It makes something in me break, realizing I’m right.

“When my driver or security team isn’t here to guard me, it won’t be hard to transfer them and leave us be.” I hold my breath, waiting for him to turn around. Darren Cade shoves his hands in his charcoal gray suit pants, answering me with charged silence. Fuck, this family is driving me insane! “Darren?”

His over six feet frame twists to face me. “They’re staying,” he states. His piercing eyes sharp like needles lock on me, and his resolve pins my feet down to the floor.

“You can’t keep me prisoner, and I won’t allow you to dictate my life.” I match his razor-sharp tone, balling my fists at my sides.

“Don’t start a war you can’t keep up, sweetheart,” he gently utters, and his features soften as if my resolve amuses him.

Dammit, if he doesn’t remind me of his son. My chest aches with hollow emptiness and unease sneaks under my skin as I realize how helpless I am to fight him. My worst fears from the past bound back, attacking every cell of my being. Power of money is capable of bending any system, any man, and any situation. I just wonder what Logan’s family intends to do to me.

“But I will.” A fierce fire burns inside my chest. “Or your clean name won’t be the only thing you lose.” I press my lips tight, afraid he might realize I’m not bloodthirsty and heartless to follow through my threat.

A smirk forms

on his handsome face, refined with well-aging attractiveness. He steps closer with an intensity that presses against my mind. “Be careful,” he grouses, but we’re interrupted by my twins like two chaos bringers, coiling around my legs.

“Mommy, take us to bed, please.”

I smile at them, stroking their heads as my heart stutters with unease.

Logan’s father might find a way to destroy me, and I don’t know if he cares enough not to break the hearts of my children.

“Let’s go. I’ll read you a story after you brush your teeth.” My voice vibrates with hollow emotions as I watch his gaze, digging into me with a warning.

At least, my kids haven’t noticed the tension, and that’s all that matters. They’re the ones I want to make happy and safe, even if trying to maintain this relationship with my in-laws kills me. Once I saunter into the living room, I see Mark and Leif like two mountains of muscle, standing inches apart, breathing fire.

My pulse responds to the peculiar vibes between these two. When Mark steps back and turns to face me, I ask, “Where’s Aisha?”

“She took little Maya upstairs to sleep. We’re going to stay the night,” Leif grumbles, and I nod. “Need help with the munchkins?”

I search his gaze, trying to determine what’s going on.

“Yeah, I do.” I turn to Mark, clasping his hand in mine. “Will you wait for me?”

He squeezes my hand as Liane winds herself around my leg, watching the newcomer curiously.

“Of course.” He nods, lifting his gaze to stare at Darren over my shoulder as Liane tugs me upstairs.
