Page 105 of Playing Hard To Get

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—Should Lionel assume any of the blame in his wife’s downward spiral?

—Should he take her back?

—Does a woman/man have to leave everything she/he once knew as a single or newly married person behind in order to be successful at parenting and developing a healthy family—is it necessary to sacrifice so much?

—Can you really have it all?

—What has your experience been?

Topic: Workplace Politics

Supported by Charleston, Tamia keeps reminding herself that to make it to the top, she’ll have to make some sacrifices—meaning do things that are commonly considered illegal (or at the lowest level trifling). This leads to her initially planning to lose Malik’s case and later supporting a move to have another black attorney removed from her case.


—Was Tamia wrong not to want the black case and have the other black female attorney on her team if she knew it would lead to her being stigmatized as a “black” attorney at the firm?

—What other options did she have?

—Is it ever okay to compromise your integrity if you are sure it will lead to success?

—Have you ever been put into a similar position at your place of work?

Topic: Activism

Malik makes it clear that he believes that true, radical activism comes with sacrifice, and if his activism and standing up for what he believes in includes the sacrifice of his freedom, he is willing to do it.


—Was he right to admit to the criminal charges that he thought were correct, knowing he’d go to jail?

—Is there space for radical activism in today’s American


—Do we still need radical activists like Malcolm X, the Black Panthers, and Assata Shakur?

Other Possible Topics to Discuss:

Dating up/down, homophobia, dating sports stars, swinging, interracial dating, marriage and older women, romance and finance, etc.


If you enjoyed the adventures of the 3Ts in

Playing Hard to Get, don’t miss

Take Her Man

Available now at your local bookstore



Here’s an excerpt from Take Her Man.…

