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Seth wrapped an arm around the back of the chair. “You’re worth the wait, sweetness.”

As the waitress brought them their beers, then left, Jensen noticed Jason’s gaze unerringly went to the woman’s ass. Jensen punched his brother on the arm. “Dude,” he grumbled.

Jason rubbed his arm and glared over at him. “Ow, what was that for?”

“You’re all but drooling. Christ.”

He shrugged and said, “So what? She’s hot,” as he searched the restaurant for her.

“Now who can’t focus?”

An hour later, they’d not only chosen an office but a marketing plan as well. He was glad of the progress, but part of him could think only of Marquetta. By the time Jensen got home, his nerves were shot and his libido was in overdrive. He noticed the time on the microwave above the stove. In fifteen minutes, she’d be knocking on the door. If there was a God, Jensen would be feasting shortly after. It was still too early to tell whether he’d be feasting on the spaghetti and meatballs he’d made or on Marquetta’s delectable body.

Right on time, Marquetta stood at Jensen’s apartment door, shaking with nerves. Taking a deep breath, she knocked, then waited. God, she was strung as tight as strings on a guitar. “Get hold of yourself,” she muttered. An attack of nerves had bombarded her in the car on the way over. She hadn’t even recognized the feeling at first, but now here she was, about to have her second date in two years, and her throat threatened to close up.

Last Friday night, she’d let herself go, and it had been wonderful. Jensen had verbally loved her so thoroughly that she still felt the vibrations of it. Would he be a good, attentive lover in person as well? He’d woven a kind of magic between them, and she feared she was becoming entirely too addicted to him. Marquetta was way out of her depth.

Honesty forced her to admit Jensen scared her a little. No, that wasn’t right. It was the way he affected her. He so easily turned her body to fire. All he had to do was give her one of his wicked sideways grins… That kind of power frightened her, but she wasn’t the stupid wallflower she’d been with Sheldon. She was a confident woman now. She—no one else—was in control of her own emotions.

Now she couldn’t help wondering if he had a habit of talking dirty to women over the phone. She really, really didn’t like the idea. As a matter of fact, just thinking of him doing that with another woman made her see red. She wanted to be

special to him. She wanted him to care about her. Don’t go there, she ordered herself. She had to be level-headed about this. She’d lost her head with Sheldon, and that had led to disaster. Jensen wasn’t Sheldon, though. He deserved better than to be measured by the same yardstick.

Looking at the outfit she had chosen, however, made her cringe. Her mind might want to remain detached, but her body—and, more importantly, her heart—was telling her other things. The tight black miniskirt and formfitting red blouse were designed to send a man into a lust-fueled frenzy. Of course, the red do-me pumps were the final touch. “Okay, you can do this. Piece of cake, right?”

After a few seconds, the door swung wide. A shiver ran the length of her spine at the sight of him. The dark-haired, blue-eyed man had the looks of a charmer, only with a rougher edge. The harsh angles of his face gave Marquetta the impression he’d had more than his fair share of hard knocks and had come away with more than a scratch or two. His hair was the color of chocolate, shiny and cropped close to his scalp. Her gaze traveled around his face, noting every taut plane until settling on his mouth. Geez, she had the overwhelming urge to kiss him. Was she biting off more than she could chew with Jensen?

A sideways grin appeared at the corner of Jensen’s mouth. “Were you just talking to yourself, sweetheart?”

“Er, of course not,” she lied. Oh wow, Jensen sure was six feet plus of solid, gorgeous maleness. His jeans fly strained over a mouthwatering bulge, and he wore a pair of black biker boots. His chest was bare. Marquetta had a very hard time not staring at the eagle tattoo directly over his right pec. The razor stubble covering his chin tempted her to reach out and stroke it.

Instead, she resisted the urge and stood in silence, allowing Jensen to look at her. He was his usual bold self, she thought, hiding her smile. His gaze moved over her body like a lover’s touch as it drifted slowly downward, then back up again. The way he stared at her filled her with liquid heat, making her uncharacteristically shy and unsure.

Marquetta had hoped to please Jensen. She knew he liked what he saw, but somewhere along the line she had started wanting something more than just physical pleasure with him. The sarcastic comments she’d gotten so good at using in moments like these vanished on her tongue.

“Damn, you look good enough to eat, girl.”

His voice was low and filled with aching desire. Marquetta could see as well as hear the intensity. Everything in her screamed to beg him to take her. Instead, she only stood frozen to the spot and said, “Uh, thanks.”

“Come in,” he urged as he took her hand and tugged her inside. He indicated his naked chest and said, “I spilled sauce on my shirt and was about to get a different one when you knocked.”

“No need, really,” she said, unable to drag her gaze away from the lovely display of tanned muscle.

As he shut the door behind him, Jensen looped an arm around her back and nudged her toward him. He dipped his head and kissed her. Marquetta surrendered, wrapped her arms around his neck and sank into it for all she was worth. There’d been no one since Sheldon. It’d been too long since she’d felt a man’s warm touch. Too long since she’d tasted heaven in a man’s strong arms.

He lifted his head an inch and whispered, “You came for me the other night.”

His smile was predatory. The man was lethal, that was all there was to it. Her gaze quickly darted away. “Don’t remind me,” she muttered.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” he said. “It was beautiful. You’re beautiful.”

She had no words, and, thankfully, Jensen didn’t seem to require any. His lips brushed hers once more, careful and restrained, as if he was afraid she would bolt if he let his passion have free rein. But she wasn’t going anywhere. She wanted him. Every powerful, male inch of him. She wanted it all, both this man and the wild, untamed one she sensed lurking beneath the surface.

Without giving her brain a chance to talk her out of it, Marquetta took control of the kiss, sliding her tongue into his mouth. He groaned and slipped his own tongue between her lips. He sucked on hers, and her pussy throbbed at the erotic sensation. Marquetta’s willpower evaporated.

Jensen pulled away and stared down at her, dark desire etched into his rugged face. His dangerous appearance thoroughly captivated her. A shiver ran the length of her spine.

“You’re playing with fire, little girl.”
