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AJ looked down at her shirt. “Thanks. It’s a family heirloom. My great-grandfather had it custom made for my great-grandmother. The sword’s supposed to be a testament of his vow to always protect her, and the crown represents his honor. From the story my mom told me, it was meant to prove that their love would never fade.”

Marquetta let out a romantic sigh. “Wow, he must have loved her deeply.”

“Yes,” AJ said with a small smile. “If only we were all so lucky.”

When she noticed Seth reach out and take AJ’s hand in his own, Marquetta wondered if the pair was dating. Then Ames wrapped an arm around the back of her chair, and Marquetta decided the complicated dynamics were none of her business.

“Who’s hungry for pizza?” Jason asked, breaking through the silence.

At that moment, a petite, dark-haired waitress approached their table. “Have you all decided what you want?”

Marquetta’s gaze zeroed in on Jensen. To her surprise, he was staring right at her. His possessive smile devastated her senses. She swallowed the lump in her throat, and he grinned. Suddenly, it was as if they were the only two people in the room. Oh God, she was getting turned on, and in front of his friends, no less. Clearly, her libido had no shame at all.

After they ordered a round of beer and two medium pepperoni pizzas, the conversation turned toward the business. Marquetta’s heart skipped a beat at being included. When Jensen’s hand rested on her thigh, her blood thickened.

Mercifully, their pizza arrived, saving her from embarrassing herself by melting into a puddle at the man’s feet. Her stomach rumbled at the succulent scents of roasted tomatoes and parmesan cheese.

“The chef accidentally mad

e two large pizzas,” the waitress said as she placed them in the center of the table. “I hope y’all are hungry.”

Jensen leaned toward Marquetta and whispered, “Pete makes the best pizza around. You’ll love it, trust me.”

With the first taste of the melted mozzarella cheese, Marquetta felt as if she’d died and gone to pizza heaven. “This is amazing.”

“Pete makes his own sauce. He swears that’s the secret to great pizza.”

The waitress came over to refresh their glasses of water and offered them more beer. Marquetta couldn’t help noticing the way Jason smiled at the woman. In fact, every time she approached their table, Jason gave her his full attention.

“So, what do you think, Marquetta?” AJ asked as she swiped a napkin over her mouth.

“It’s wonderful. I’m glad Jensen asked me to come.”

“Jensen has great taste,” Jason said, grinning at her. Marquetta shook her head at the flirty comment. No doubt in her mind that it would take a strong woman to tame that particular Kershaw.

As if right on cue, their beautiful waitress came striding toward them. Her vivid blue eyes zeroed in on Jason, and she frowned when he winked at her. “Don’t I know you from somewhere, Emma?” he said as he looked her over from head to toe.

Her lips thinned in anger. “You really don’t remember me, do you?”

“Should I?” Jason asked, no longer teasing. Suddenly he looked every bit as intimidating as Jensen.

“We went to high school together. In fact, I asked you to homecoming.”

Marquetta watched as Jason floundered. “I think I’d remember you.”

She snorted. “I was about a hundred pounds heavier. And you never gave me the time of day.” When she walked away, head held high, Jason had the look of a man who’d just been slapped. Marquetta felt a little sorry for him.

“Oh wow,” AJ said in a quiet voice. “I knew she looked familiar.” She reached over and swatted Jason on the arm. “You used to cheat off her in history class. Remember?”

Jason didn’t speak, and his gaze never once left Emma as she strode around the room, waiting on customers. His stricken expression made it clear Emma’s revelation had hit a chord.

Jason stood abruptly and tossed a few bills on the table. “I think I’ve had enough pizza for one night.” He aimed a smile at Marquetta. “Good to see you again. I look forward to the finished design.”

After he left, Jensen cursed. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him put in his place quite so efficiently.”

“Me either,” AJ said. Seth and Ames both agreed. AJ peeked over at Emma and said, “Those two definitely have history.”

Jensen looked over at her, no small amount of heat in his eyes. “I have fresh apple pie at my place. Care to join me?”
