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That brought her out of her euphoric afterglow. “What do you mean?”

“You didn’t think this was a one-off, did you?” Mac answered as he cupped her chin and forced her to look at him.

“Well, I hadn’t gotten that far, I suppose. I’ve never slept with a guy I just met. Certainly not two guys at once.” She groaned and covered her face with her hands. “God, that makes me sound like such a tramp.”

Trent pried her hands away and kissed her forehead. “You aren’t a tramp. Merely a woman with enough passion to fill all five of the Great Lakes.”

She laughed at the absurdity of that statement. “You clearly don’t know me if you think that.”

“Then let us get to know you. One at a time, if that makes you feel better.”

She frowned. “You two would want to take turns dating me?”

Mac shrugged. “It’s unusual, but we’re not exactly average guys.”

“Pfft, hardly,” she replied. “You own a BDSM nightclub and you’ve just given me my first threesome. So not average.”

“So, we’ll each date you, and we promise not to overwhelm you. Deal?”

As she looked at the pair of them, Crystal knew she was going to say yes. What woman had the power to refuse two such darkly handsome men? “Deal,” she said as she moved off of Mac and snuggled against him. Trent sandwiched her in, and both men continued to pet and caress her. Soon her eyelids grew heavy and she fell into a blissful sleep, dreaming erotic dreams of dark-haired men and all the wickedly pleasurable things they were capable of teaching a rather inexperienced, small-town girl.


Trent watched Crystal’s eyes drift open, as she lazily came awake. Her body stretched like a contented cat after a noontime nap. Crystal fascinated him. He was sure she viewed their night together as a onetime thing, but Trent had other plans. He wasn’t ready for her to walk off into the sunset just yet. Her body seemed to respond to him as no other woman’s had. He knew Mac felt the same way. He’d said as much before he’d left earlier that morning. Somehow, Trent needed to make Crystal see that this was more than just a single night of fun.

She moved her hand over her face and shifted on the bed. Trent’s breathing increased in anticipation of her waking and remembering just how she’d spent her night. When he touched her forehead, Crystal’s gaze flew open and landed on him. Awareness showed in their depths and she sighed heavily. He fully expected her to leap out of bed and run from the room. There was something very innocent about Crystal, almost as if she’d lived in a convent her entire life.

“Hi,” Crystal said, her smile slowly appearing. Her voice was ragged from all the moaning she’d done the night before.

“Hi,” he murmured.

“I, uh, I’m not used to the whole morning-after thing here. I’m not sure what to do, to be honest.”

Her blush pleased him to hell and back. He kis

sed her forehead, then stood. “All you need to do is get dressed and come downstairs so I can feed you.”

Her gaze widened. “Are you cooking?”

“Yep. Omelets sound good?”

Crystal hummed. “Sounds amazing.” She stared at him, as if quietly evaluating him, almost making him fidget like a boy who’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “Do you do this sort of thing often?”

His heart stuttered at the shy words. “No, I don’t. You’re special, Crystal.” He saw her nod, then he added, “You know, I’m tempted to never let you leave my bed.”

She chuckled. “I hog the blankets. You’d get annoyed and kick me out eventually.”

“Somehow I doubt that,” he said. “Take your time and help yourself to the shower.”

Crystal watched Trent leave the room. The events of the previous night ran through her mind. The nightclub. The men. The sex. Oh God, what had she done? She smiled despite the stupidity of her actions and stretched her arms above her head, yawning herself awake.

Crystal pushed the covers aside and started to get up. Only problem with that plan, she was totally naked. Remembering just how she’d ended up that way had her grinning all over again. “I am so going to hell,” she mumbled.

Yeah, okay, so meeting two guys in a nightclub and sleeping with them immediately afterward wasn’t the smartest thing she’d ever done, but it had been the most adventurous, passionate, and exciting time she’d ever had in her life. God, the sex had been so damn perfect it was scary. But not exactly smart.

Still, wasn’t she allowed one stupid act after learning that she was nothing but a punching bag for her now ex-husband? She was entitled to step out of the norm on such an occasion. Right? She knew Mollie would say, “Hell, yes!” to that question.

At the thought of her dearest friend, Crystal grinned from ear to ear. If Mollie could see her now, she’d be floored. Crystal never strayed from the straight and narrow, and yet here she was.

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