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That from Crystal, who, in all her splendor, was staring daggers at his manager, Marcus. Marcus was a big, beefy man, not about to be intimidated.

“Look, lady, he’s busy. Come back tonight like all the other women.”


“Is there a problem?” Mac asked, drawing their attention immediately. Marcus was the first to speak.

“I’ve told her you’re busy, but she insists on seeing you.”

Crystal stepped around Marcus. “I know I didn’t call, but I certainly didn’t think it’d be this difficult to see you.”

Her eyes were shooting so much fire at him it was a wonder he wasn’t burned. Mac crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorjamb. “It’s okay, Marcus. She doesn’t need an appointment.”

Marcus looked at him with a grateful expression on his face and growled, “Buona fortuna!”

He didn’t know what Marcus was saying, but clearly it wasn’t good, and he didn’t much care for the way Marcus was acting toward Crystal. “Crystal is very important to me,” he stated. “You will show some respect.”

Marcus paled visibly, before turning to Crystal and mumbling, “Sorry.”

Crystal rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I can see that.”

Marcus threw up his hands and started cursing again.

Mac sighed. “Come on, angel.” He motioned for her to follow him as he left the kitchen and headed back to his office. No way was he taking her upstairs. Way too much temptation there.

When he entered the small room, he rounded the desk and sat down, then indicated she do the same. He watched her sit, her back ramrod-straight, her purse clutched in her lap. God, she looked good. The dressed-up version was downright edible. But this T-shirt-and-jeans version was just as appealing. With her mass of dark hair tied back in a ponytail and no makeup on, she looked all of eighteen. Holy shit.

He heard Marcus shouting obscenities still and groaned. “I may be forced to defend your honor soon if he doesn’t shut up. I can just see me challenging that big bull to a duel at dawn.”

He saw Crystal’s eyes light with humor. She was so lovely when she smiled. He wanted to see her laugh, even. Christ, what was his deal? He was acting all lovesick or something.

“What brings you here?”

She looked down at her lap. “I just wanted to see you.”

“Did you miss me, angel?”

Her gaze darted to his. “Maybe.”

In Mac’s mind that single word was a victory. He wanted to shout in his triumph, but he had other ways of celebrating. Mac came around the desk and cupped her face in his hand. “I missed you, too. Like crazy.”

“You did?”

“Hell, yes,” he groaned as he dipped his head and tasted heaven. Oh yeah. The woman was made for loving. Damn, he’d missed her taste. Her scent. Everything about her. No woman had ever gotten to him the way she did. It was as if they’d known each other forever. It pissed him off and turned him on at the same time.

Mac locked his thoughts away and began to devour Crystal’s plump lips. He licked, torturing her with ideas of more, then he teased his tongue back and forth over the seam. He was only too glad when she parted them. It was a small sign of surrender, but Mac would take whatever he could get. She twined her arms around his neck and melted against him. He ached to be inside her tight heat. Just as he was about to pull her closer, he had the presence of mind to reach behind him and flip the office door lock into place. He’d been dying for another helping of Crystal’s delicious body, and he wasn’t taking any chance they’d be interrupted.

Bending at the knees, Mac lifted her up and sat her on the edge of the desk. Without really paying attention, he swept everything off one side of the desk and onto the floor. Crystal’s spine went stiff, and she attempted to push him backward. Mac let her, but only so he could taste the delicate skin on her throat. His hand came up and wrapped around the slim column. His cock went hard, and he let loose a low groan of need.

“Mac, wait.”

Mac looked into her eyes, seeing the need, but also the fear. “For what?”

“We’re not alone here, and I’m not into exhibitionism.” She took a deep breath and said, “Besides, I didn’t come here for that.”

Mac smoothed his palm down her body until he was cupping her buttocks. He squeezed and felt her shudder. “Then why did you come here?”

“I thought we could go to lunch.”
