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“I’m anxious to get you in my arms and have my hands on you.” He stood and smiled down at her. “May I have this dance?” He bent over her hand as he spoke.

She laughed and said, “Why, of course.”

Mac took her hand in his and led her to the middle of the crowded dance floor. Once there, he put his arms around her and pulled her into his hard length.

Crystal felt at home at last. With Mac’s strong arms surrounding her, she felt like nothing could ever harm her. She twined her arms around his neck, and he pulled her even closer still. She immediately felt what he was trying to show her. His rigid length pressed into her belly. She looked up into his eyes as if looking for confirmation; he smiled down at her and rotated his hips, just once. Immediately she felt heat pool between her legs, and her face flamed.

Mac leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Don’t be embarrassed. You’re beautiful, and feeling your sweet curves against me drives me nuts, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He rose up and smiled devilishly at her, then once again bent to whisper, “Except if we were both naked, that would be better. Of course, if we were naked, then dancing would be the furthest thing from my mind.”

“You are so bad!” She giggled.

“Later I will show you just how good I can be.” He winked.

They finished their dance in quiet, content to hold each other and sway to the beat of the music.

“Thank you for a wonderful time, Mac.” They stood at Mollie’s front door in that awkward moment when women were often left wondering, Is he going to kiss me? Should I invite him in? Will he think I’m being too forward if I do? Will he think I’m a prude if I don’t? She hadn’t a clue as to the answers. When she and Richard had dated, it all seemed so fast and he took all the control while she was left following his lead. This whole thing with Mac was new ground for her, and he was not Richard, thank God. She could tell he was leaving it up to her to decide whether things proceeded or not. She quickly acted on impulse and went for the plunge, saying, “Won’t you come in for a drink, Mac?” She held her breath.

“I thought you’d never ask.” His mouth quirked up in a devilish grin. She opened the door, and Mac followed her into the house. After their dance together, they had walked out of the bar and grill hand in hand without speaking to each other or anyone else. The drive home was made in silence, as well. It seemed that neither of them wanted to chance breaking the magical spell that had been woven around them. The whole night seemed special somehow, despite the events earlier in the evening. Maybe, just maybe, it was because of those events, as if God had granted them this enchanted evening as a reprieve. Whatever the reason, Mac was glad he was the man who was lucky enough to spend it with Crystal.

They walked into the living room, and Mac had the oddest feeling come over him. It was as if he was home. How strange for him to feel this way after all this time of never really feeling at home no matter where he was. He’d never felt this way before, even growing up. His father had always made him feel like he was a burden rather than a gift. His mother seemed to barely be there, like a shadow to his father. She was always in the background, quiet and content to bend to her husband’s rule. Still, he didn’t want thoughts of his less-than-ideal childhood to interfere with his night with the sexy woman at his side.

“Crystal, it’s a cool evening. Why don’t we take our drinks out to the porch? We could sit and watch the stars. What do you say?” While he was strolling down memory lane, she had already prepared a serving tray with iced tea and cookies.

“That sounds like a great idea.” Her eyes lit up like a child’s in a candy store.

“Here, I’ll carry the tray. You just get the door.” He picked up the laden tray and proceeded out the door.

“You just don’t want tea all over you.” She snorted as she held the door open for him.

“Well, you may have a point there, angel.” He waggled his eyebrows.

They sat down on the cushioned porch swing, and Mac put the tray on the table in front of them, then handed her a glass of tea. After taking a long swallow of his own, he remarked, “Mm, tastes good.”

“Thanks. I didn’t know if you took sugar in yours or not, but sweet tea is all I drink. I can get you something else if you want, though. I’m sure we have something in there.” She paused, then said, “I’m rambling, aren’t I? Sorry.” She took a deep fortifying breath and went on, “I’m just nervous.”

“Don’t be.” He leaned back into the swing, put his arm around her shoulders, and pulled her into the crook of one arm. “Just enjoy the night, Crystal.”

Crystal leaned her head on Mac’s shoulder and let out a contented sigh. “If time could just stand still right now.”

“No way, angel. I’ve got way too much in store for you later,” he murmured. “For now, just relax and look at the beautiful clear sky.” He smiled down at her and kissed the top of her head in a loving caress.

She closed her eyes and knew a sense of belonging in Mac’s arms. He was everything a woman could want. Now she just had to figure out a way to hold on to it. That would be the biggest challenge of all.

“Penny for your thoughts?” he said, his voice low and intimate.

“Just thinking what a wonderful night I had.”

“Ah, but the best is yet to come, angel,” he murmured.

She was about to ask what he meant by that, but he hushed her. “Let your fears go for now. Just feel me next to you, Crystal. Just me. Nothing else exists.”

“Oh Mac,” she breathed out. “The things you say . . . you make me want to let myself go and trust you to catch me.”

“I will catch you,” he replied emphatically. “You should have no fear when I’m with you. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Make love to me, Mac.”

He leaned near her ear and whispered, “That’s been the only thing on my mind since the first moment I saw you.”

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