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Michaela laughed with delight. “I think it’s perfect. They make a cute couple.”

Scarlett couldn’t deny that they did. Drake was tall and handsome, his wavy hair slicked back from his head and wearing a coral colored polo shirt and tight fighting jeans. The somewhat feminine color worked on him, making him appear even more masculine, especially next to the handsome yet pretty Brad.

They were both beaming, happiness clearly shining on their faces, and Scarlett shook her head. She had to agree with Austin.

She kind of couldn’t believe it either.

The men headed toward them, Brad’s gaze fixed on Austin, Drake’s fixed on Scarlett. They each had a history going on with the men. Scarlett’s threesome with Drake had been almost a month ago, hard to believe the time had gone by so quickly. And of course, Austin’s long suffering relationship with Brad. From friends to lovers to friends again, those two had been through so much and were still close. Michaela understood and accepted their relationship—Austin was lucky to have her.

Jealousy was an ugly thing. Scarlett was surrounded by happy couples, and she ached for Trevor. Physically and mentally ached for him.

“Hey, Scarlett.” Drake smiled at her, slung his arm around Brad’s shoulders. “You know Brad, right?”

“Of course. We go way back.” She smiled at both of them, hoping like crazy it didn’t look forced. “Hi, Brad.”

“Hey, Scarlett.” He disengaged himself from Drake and hugged her, held her close for a brief moment until he let her go. “You’re looking good.”

“So are you two.” She paused, her gaze going from Brad to Drake. “I didn’t realize you guys were a couple.”

“It’s new. We’ve only been seeing each other for a few weeks.” Drake reached for Brad’s hand again. “But when you know, you know, right?”

Wow. No, she didn’t know. She’d been in denial for so long it had taken her a while to see that a really good thing had been in her face all along. “That’s great.”

“Where’s Trevor?” Brad asked, looking around the backyard. “I thought you two have been seeing each other.”

“We have. We are. He’s, um, he’s in New York.” He’d been gone for five days when it was supposed to be a two-day trip. He’d planned on going to this get together with her, but now she was facing the questions alone.

It sucked.

“Oh right, I heard about that. An audition, right?”

God, was nothing a secret? She’d learned this long ago but, jeez, news traveled fast around here. She shouldn’t complain since it was good news.

And she had to keep on telling herself it was good news, too. Great news, the opportunity Trevor was being given. She’d talked to him last night on the phone, briefly. He’d sounded happy, ecstatic to be in the city, auditioning for a Broadway play. Not off-Broadway either but the real deal. He’d been a semi-finalist and was now a finalist for the part. There were four other men he was competing with for the role, and the way he talked, he had it in the bag.

That meant he would leave Los Angeles and Scarlett for at least a six-month run, maybe longer. The minute she’d hung up the phone she’d started to cry.

She was losing him, and she hated that.

“Yes, an audition,” she finally answered, wrapping her arms around herself. “I think he might get it.”

Drake’s eyebrows

rose. “That’s major. I bet he’s excited.”


“How about you, honey? Are you excited?” Brad watched her carefully. Like he knew exactly what she thought, how she felt.

“I’m happy for him. This is what he wants, to further his career.” She chose her words with care, not wanting to reveal her complete and utter sadness over the situation.

“But what about you two and your relationship?” Drake asked.

“It was never anything that serious, you know.” Scarlett shrugged, playing it off. Like it didn’t matter when it really mattered more than anything. “We’ve had our fun, but if he needs to go, then he goes.”

“You sound amazingly okay with everything,” Drake said, wonder in his voice.

“Uh huh.” Brad shook his head, not believing a word she said, she could tell. He’d always been far too perceptive. It made her uncomfortable. “You’re in love with him, right?”
