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She didn’t know if her poor worn out body could take it. She was exhausted, exhilarated, thrilled, amazed and when she felt the familiar tremor in her belly she knew it was about to happen.

“She’s gonna come,” Trevor muttered, increasing his movements, thrusting so deep inside her the sting intensified, the pleasure pain so overwhelming she came with a scream that Drake’s neighbors probably heard.

They continued to fuck her through her orgasm, and she came again when she felt Trevor’s wash over him. Her body shuddered, twitched through her release and made Drake orgasm as well. All three of them were writhing, shuddering masses of flesh, coming and groaning until they all fell to a heap on top of each other, Scarlett crushed between both men.

It felt unbelievably delicious and if she never experienced anything like this again, she was all right with that.

At least she’d done it once. Just to do it. And it had been amazing.

Trevor drew her into his arms and held her close, her face pressed against his muscled chest. She slipped her arms around him and breathed deep, loving how he held her so carefully yet had fucked her so forcefully.

Such a contradiction, one she wanted to explore and experience again and again. But only with him.

All she needed was him. Trevor.

“Are you all right? Did I hurt you?” His words of concern washed over her, and he stroked a hand over her hair in comfort.

“No.” She shook her head, her face against his chest.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes.” She withdrew from him, shooting him a smile. “Definitely.”

He touched her cheek, his fingers gentle upon her skin, his gaze dimming. He studied her carefully, his lips parted as if he wanted to say something. Her heart lurched.

It looked serious, whatever he wanted to say. And it scared her.

But then his face cleared and he smiled, leaned in and kissed her. Gently, lovingly and she felt herself tumble over.

Headed straight into love.

Chapter Ten

“Where’s Trevor? I thought he’d come with you.”

Scarlett glanced up to find Austin studying her with a questioning expression on his face, a beer clutched in his hand. She shrugged, hoping for nonchalance when feeling anything but. “He’s in New York for that audition.”

“Still?” Austin whistled low. “Must be some audition.”

“Are you talking about Trevor?” Michaela appeared out of nowhere, wrapping her arms tight around Austin’s middle, laying claim to what was hers. Not like anyone would deny her claim. This couple was so together, so in love with each other it made everyone around them a little sick.

With envy, at least on Scarlett’s part. She wished she could be open, free in showing her feelings for Trevor as Michaela was with Austin. She knew it had been a struggle between them, and Austin had had to fight to prove to Michaela that she was the one he wanted.

Their ease, their comfort with each other was both beautiful and disgusting, Scarlett thought, her normal cynicism shining through. Maybe someday…

Hah. With the way things were going in New York with Trevor, she had a feeling she’d be wishing him goodbye versus hello-let-me-hand-you-my-heart.

Well, too late. She’d already handed him her heart. He just didn’t know it.

They were at a barbecue at the director’s house on a Sunday afternoon. Relaxing and eating and drinking. Lots of people were there, not just from the theatre but from all over the place. Scarlett had spent the majority of her time since she’d showed up gabbing and catching up with friends.

She spotted Michaela’s friend Carly talking with a man she didn’t know, a very handsome man. Well, she should consider Carly her friend as well since the three of them still met once a week for margaritas, chips and salsa and gossip. Michaela had proven to be a good friend, and Carly was slowly earning her trust, too.

It was nice, having friends. People she could count on, confess to.

A commotion went on at the wooden gate that led into the giant backyard, and Scarlett craned her neck to see Drake enter holding hands with…Brad.

“Holy shit, I never saw that coming,” Austin muttered, shaking his head.
