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“I don’t deserve you.” Really, she didn’t. She’d fought him tooth and nail since the moment they first started their flirtation. They’d only been together for a few months, tops. It was too soon to be in love. Too soon to pick up and move clear across the country for a man.

But Brad and Drake were right. When you knew, you knew.

And Scarlett knew.

“Don’t say that sweetheart. We’re good together. You can’t deny that.”

“It’s not all sex. A relationship needs more.” Why the hell was she arguing with him? She was being ridiculous.

“What do you think we’ve been doing the last couple of weeks, hmm? Let’s see, we’ve been hanging out together constantly, you spend the night at my place all the time and we go out to dinner and talk for hours about everything. Sounds like we’re having a relationship, right?” As if he couldn’t resist he kissed her yet again. “The sex is good, too. Fucking fantastic, just like I predicted. And I’m not protesting. Are you protesting?”

“But—” He silenced her with a single finger pressed to her lips. A gesture he’d made upon her more than once.

Goodness, sometimes she just needed to shut up.

“Are you protesting, Scarlett?” He cocked a brow, that familiar, oh so arrogant expression on his gorgeous face.

She really loved that face. She even loved that cocky as hell expression.

Slowly, she shook her head. “No,” she whispered, her lips moving against his finger.

He traced her lower lip, his lids lowering, a slumberous, sexy expression on his face. “Then shut up and let me kiss you.”

“Okay,” she croaked, her panties going wet at his commanding tone.

“And when I’m done kissing you, then I’m going to get you naked and make love to you for hours. In fact, I think we should stay in bed all day.” Both brows rose. “Have a problem with that?”

Again, she shook her head. Her body tingled at the thought. “Not at all.”

Trevor smiled, dropped his finger from her lips. “Perfect.” He dipped his head, his mouth hovering above hers. “Now be a good girl and kiss me.”

She did. She kissed him with all the longing, all the love that had built up in her heart, her soul, her everything. He kissed her back with the same intensity, his lips lingering, his velvety tongue hot as it slid against hers. She melted in his embrace, disbelief filling her that this was actually happening. That she was getting what she wanted. That she could actually be this happy.

All thanks to Trevor.

“Are you ready to take this wild ride with me?” he asked, his mouth moving against hers.

“It’s already been a pretty wild ride,” she cracked, and he laughed.

“It has. But it’s going to get even wilder in New York.”

She sighed, slipped her arms around his neck. “I’m ready, Trevor.”
