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“You warned me you were an asshole,” she reminded him, wanting the moment to be easy, not all heavy and downtrodden. She was sick of the heavy and the serious. She was in the mood for light and fun. “And I accept your apology.”

“I’m glad.” He was still serious when she really didn’t want him to be. “I never wanted to push you into anything you didn’t want to do.”

“I never said I didn’t want to do it.” Her mouth clamped shut the moment the words left her. Oh boy. She was asking for it, playing with fire when she barely knew how to light a match.

His eyes lit with a wicked spark, and he smiled. Sexy and charming without saying a word. “Come to dinner with me tonight.”

His request shocked her. He wanted to spend more time with her? “Tonight?”

Eric nodded slowly. “Tonight.”

She didn’t even have to think about it. “All right. But on two conditions.”

He cocked a brow. “Name them.”

“I’m in the mood for Mexican food.”

“Done.” He chuckled.

“And no drinking tonight. No beer, no margaritas, nothing.”

Eric frowned. “No drinking,” he repeated.

“I want you sober.” She wanted him rational and coherent and not drowning his sorrows in booze. Because she knew that was exactly what he was doing and she didn’t like it.

Even if he didn’t want her to, she was going to take care of him. Make him see that he allowed his past to still shadow his life.

“Fine. Mexican food and sober Eric, I can do it.” He smiled again, but this time it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Perfect. I have a client coming in at five. Want to meet me at the restaurant?” She named a local place not far from her work. “Around six-thirty?”

“Sure.” He shrugged, sent a welcoming smile to Lisa when she approached. “Hi.”

“Hi.” Lisa studied him curiously, then slid a glance in Stacy’s direction.

“See you at six-thirty, Stace.” He offered her a little wave and then walked out.

Lisa whirled on her the moment he was out of hearing distance. “Who is that?”

“An old friend.” Stacy shrugged. It wasn’t a lie. It wasn’t exactly the truth either.

“He’s really good looking.” Lisa turned, watched Eric exit the salon. “How do you know him?”

“Through Alexa.”

“Oh.” Lisa’s voice revealed all. She knew about Alexa’s exploits. Yet another reason she should never mention exactly who Eric was.

“He’s a nice guy, just a friend, nothing more.”

“Be careful, Stacy. You’re vulnerable. Guys like to take advantage of that.” Lisa crossed her arms in front of her chest, all motherly concern.

“He would never do that to me.” Oh, now she really lied. He was all over her like white on rice. Eric wouldn’t have one problem taking advantage of her in her vulnerable state.

Funny thing though, he was in a vulnerable state as well.

He just didn’t realize it yet.

Chapter Three

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