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“You’re so happy it’s disgusting,” Aubrey muttered.

Willow’s laughter faded, and she tilted her head. “Okay. Confession time. Tell me exactly what happened. I know something’s up with Flynn. Nick mentioned when he came home last night that Flynn had a hard time focusing during practice.” She rested her forearms on the edge of the table, her expression earnest.

Aubrey took a deep breath and then let the entire story pour out of her. From the moment Flynn kissed her at the restaurant to the early morning hours Monday, when he drove her back to the stadium.

She skimmed over the sex stuff but fed Willow enough details so she knew what had happened. Yeah, Aubrey’s cheeks felt as if they were going to catch on fire, they were so hot, but once she started rolling, it was as though she had no control over her words. God, she really hoped Willow held true to her promise and didn’t tell a soul this story. She didn’t want anyone to know, didn’t want Flynn thinking she’d gossiped about their night together.

“So, tell me,” Willow said casually once Aubrey finally shut up. The deli was mostly empty, since the lunch crowd was long gone, and Aubrey hoped like crazy Willow wouldn’t be too loud. “Is it true?”

Aubrey glanced around, making sure no one was near. God, she was paranoid. “Is what true?” she asked, her voice low. Low as in, keep it on the down low.

Willow leaned forward, her gaze razor sharp. “That Flynn was a virgin?”

There went Aubrey’s cheeks, up in flames and burning like a wild inferno. “God, Willow, keep your voice down.”

Willow fell back against her chair, the smile on her face telling. “So, he was. I’m guessing he was still pretty good?”

“I cannot answer that question.”

“That clinches it for me. I’m sure he knew just how to handle himself in the sack.” Willow shook her head with a wistful sigh. “He sure is pretty. And so big. I like his arms. Don’t ever repeat that to Nick. He’d get insanely jealous.”

Aubrey felt insanely jealous. Willow was gorgeous, rich, and sophisticated and confident, while she was just…Aubrey. A struggling assistant publicist, who worked hard to get that next promotion, a break, whatever, half the time feeling in over her head.

“I won’t repeat it,” she mumbled. No way would she tell Flynn Willow liked his arms.

They were her arms. Sort of.

“So you haven’t talked to him since you two did the deed, huh?” Willow shook her head. “That can make for an awkward next encounter, I take it.”

“Yeah.” Aubrey sighed, twirled a lock of hair around her index finger, like she was prone to do when she was nervous. “I don’t want to be one of those whiny females who wonders what’s wrong and why won’t he talk to me, text me, call me, or whatever, but, come on.”

She hated feeling like this. Told herself from the begi

nning it was going to be for only one night, and look at her. Acting as if she wanted more, which she so didn’t, but…okay fine, she was a liar. She did want more. Nothing serious. Just fun. A few naked sessions with Flynn Foley held the promise to chase the stress away.

Willow studied her quietly for so long that Aubrey started wiggling in her chair, waiting for her to say something. Anything, for God’s sake, just to break the tension. “He likes you.”

Aubrey rolled her eyes. “That’s all you have to say? I tell you I took his…” She leaned across the table and lowered her voice to the softest whisper. “You know, and that’s all I get? He likes me?”

“Simmer down, girlfriend. I’m leading up to what I need to say.” Willow cleared her throat and narrowed her eyes, striking a thread of fear inside Aubrey’s heart. She leaned back in her chair, waiting for what would no doubt be a verbal blow. “Nick’s been complaining since you started working for the Hawks that Flynn’s had the hots for you. He wondered why the boy would never make a move.”

“It’s not allowed, remember? Dating is against company policy,” Aubrey pointed out. “Not that it’s stopped us. He made a move, got what he wanted, and now nothing. Nada. Zip,” Aubrey muttered.

“Maybe he’s just busy. He had a day off and then came back to practice, and boom. You know they’re working everyone overtime, getting them prepped for the game. Yeah, I know he’s second string, but they play them, too. Everyone’s got to stay on top of his game. Who knows what could happen?” Willow shook her head. “I’m guessing you’re worried for nothing. All twisted up over it, thinking you did something wrong or whatever, and I bet he’s fine. Just playing it cool. Or more like being a typical guy and oblivious to the fact that you’re quietly freaking out.”

Willow was probably right. She’d been so wrapped up in her own thoughts, and he probably wasn’t even aware of her uncertainty. They hadn’t seen each other. She was speculating—the last thing she should be doing.

“So what do I do? Let it play out and see if he ever talks to me again? Wait for him to possibly get traded and then maybe we could see each other?” A long-distance relationship sounded far from ideal.

“Is he getting traded? How awful.” Willow made a tsking noise. “But if he does, he’ll be better appreciated somewhere else, don’t you think?”

Again, pure speculation on her part. She really needed to learn how to keep her mouth shut. “It hasn’t been confirmed.”

“The rumor has been batted around more than once.”

“‘Rumor’ being the key word,” Aubrey added.

“Whatever.” Willow waved her hand. “He’s definitely going to talk to you again. He has to talk to you. You’re his publicist. And speaking of that, I really hope no one saw the two of you together.”

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